Game review and play strategy: Upland … UpLlama … thumbs Up!

The Crypto Kiosk
Published in
11 min readMay 5, 2023


Blockchain Gaming

Looks like blockchain games are evolving more and more, as new ones are launched every week. As this bonanza of games got available, I ask myself what makes a game better then a similar one? Is it the chain the game is built on? Is it the type of game and who’s backing it? Is it the concept and how easy is to play? I think is a mix of the above, and many more.

I played most of the blockchain games launched recently and some of them were good, while others were horrendous. I realize that the main quality must be the lack of errors and glitches, because they are the joy killers and the main reason I stopped playing some. The second quality of a top game must be the level of entrainment and maintaining the user happy. Some games will hook you up at the beginning but then they offer nothing new, just a repetition of actions which will bring the players to a level of boredom which will make them find interesting a melting snowman.

What is Upland?

I seen adds on Brave but never clicked them. Had no clue what it was, and I was thinking is the same thing as Alpaca World, until the Upland writing competition came on Publish0x. I cannot write about something I don’t know so I started doing my homework and assimilate information about the game.

Went on their website and started reading. About 20 minutes later I had enough information to start playing. The short resume of Uplands must explain that the…



The Crypto Kiosk

Entered the Cryptoverse in 2015! Crypto Content Creator since March 2020, currently going past 1000 consecutive days of publishing. DAO member and NFT collector