
How To Treat The Coming Bull Run

The 2024 Bubble Will Be The Last

The Crypto Kiosk


The best time to invest, it was in 2023.

We are about to witness a torrent of money inflows in 2024, with ETFs being the beacon that will allow the crypto market to rise again.

The ecosystem is rapidly evolving with traditional finance re-approaching, and this time actively participating with ETFs and trading desks.

The custodians of the 2021 era have departed (collapsed), and the remaining are about to be replaced by institutions and banks.

The trading desks are ready to accommodate institutional funds that will begin flowing not just in BTC but in many more top cryptocurrencies.

There is also an expiration day that many forget about while talking about supercycles, a concept they brought up in 2021 again but proved to be a massive failure.

How To Speculate Properly

We should expect prices to rise for 12 months and then retrace back to where they started or even lower, with just a few exceptions.

We will meet tokens that will present a 1000x price increase, the next Shiba Inu, but how many are there, and who knew about them and bought them early on?

We tend to forget that we won’t be able to find a needle in a haystack unless someone directs us to it.

In the last cycle, Shiba Inu appeared out of nowhere, and only insiders knew about it.

We previously explored a CNN story of two brothers who made it to millions with Shiba Inu, and while the validity of that story is questionable, it is still not entirely impossible.

In case this story is authentic, then these two investors were tipped by an insider.

Only lately did we learn how Shiba Inu’s founder may have had ties to the Ethereum foundation, therefore it was whales backing this project since the start, and these tips were rare and only a handful of people managed to join early.

The identity of Ryushi (Shiba’s creator) doesn’t seem to be of much significance to anyone.

Literally, everyone only cares why they did not know about Shiba early enough.

Getting that inside knowledge matters. Knowledge of vast amounts of funds silently backing a project at an early stage and waiting to pump the price nonstop until the media discovers the mass returns of this token.

Even though this token is pointless, or just a meme with no plans, no roadmap, no nothing, getting in early in something similar is probably out of reach.

Links to the top crypto whales could be a hint, but without an actual tip by insiders, nobody will ever buy early enough.

Finding a new Shiba Inu is impossible unless of course someone we trust with connections at the very top levels of the crypto “hierarchy” fancies us and shares a tip privately.

If we ever feel that someone (that matters) shared such a tip with us, we should probably just play along with no questions asked.

Back in 2017, I was close with some people that were diversified into various projects (which were living their pump moments). They used to showcase their portfolio in pie charts and they were temporarily doing well.

Today, 99% of the projects they’d invest in, have fallen into obscurity.

These folks lost so much and did not recover in 2021, despite their diversified portfolio. Diversification in penny stocks is not really an investment strategy.

These friends of mine were making a mistake they did not realize. They were living in euphoric conditions for several months and just enjoyed watching their portfolio increase by 10 to 100x while forgetting to take profits in the process. Greed was their downfall as eventually losses prevailed.

They made their crypto fortune up to hundreds of thousands of dollars while treating it all as an investment.

Yet, the cryptocurrencies with long-term potential are only a handful of those we find to be fancy and exciting today.

No more than ten. And I don’t even include BTC in them.

So, here is my thesis:

Why Investing Now Is Not An Option

Probably the best course of action is to trade the cycles instead of investing. It sounds easy buying low, but obviously most missed their chance to buy the bottom in 2023.

Don’t consider crypto an investment. Leave that to institutions. The institutions can handle a loss and ask for more taxpayers money (your money) when they fail.

Be a speculator and be ready to offload your crypto when still in profit, instead of buying when inflows and volumes begin increasing. When everyone is buying, we will progressively start selling.

The only way to succeed in this trade is by being contrarian.

It is all speculation anyway and you decided to enter this market for the profit. Who wants to lose money?

This is what everyone successful speculator in crypto is also doing.

They dump their cryptocurrencies as prices increase. Sometimes they will also announce it on social media (see for example Charlie Lee). Never a good sign, huh?

If you definitely want to buy BTC, then trade the Tether cycles, they work perfectly. Tether is now officially buying Bitcoin BTC to boost the price and it also announces it publicly (unlike in the past when it was denying it).

Here is my advice if you want to know where you are entering (or haven’t found already):

Don’t invest in crypto and clearly, never day trade.

Buy early and sell in increments as the prices increase.

This is the only way to make it worthwhile.

Treat the bull run speculatively.

Sell in portions as the prices increase instead of buying more.

Don’t sell it all at once, as the market can stay irrational for too long.

This is how you win, and literally, tell everyone to get out of your face if they tell you how they should DCA for an eternity in the most useless networks of the decade.

Otherwise, the odds are against you.

You can still just be someone that buys BTC, someone that “stacks sats” and holds since the fees make it impossible to hold in self-custody. $70 fees per transaction is no joke.

However, also consider the additional consolidation fees you will require to pay when staking sats.

Do the math. If you have hundreds of inputs and want to move your BTC out, you will have to pay fees for hundreds of transactions. Good luck with that.

As the odds are always against you when you day trade, a practice where EVERYONE loses money. You found a YouTuber talking about leverage, shorts, longs, and selling you trading courses? That’s their plan. They talk in an explossive manner, faster than lightning and bombard you with trading jargon to convince you of their expertise.

They are losers, they traded and failed and went to YouTube to cover for their losses. They will fail time and again, and in the end they come up with this (entertaining) approach to sell you their courses.

If you ever make your money back call me.

I bought in 2022 and 2023, and I’ve already mentioned it several times.

How am I treating bull runs?.

I sell 20% after the price of a crypto I own doubles. It doubles again I sell again. I did buy the ultimate bottom, though. So, you probably will have to adjust.

The waiting game can be long, but the spike in interest can only last for a small timeframe (maybe a couple of months of trading frenzy).

During the bull run, prices can increase remarkably but also pay attention to market cap, volumes, and exchange announcements. You will know when the market is overheated. Last time Cardano hit a 100 billion market cap if I recall. How is that even logical? It is not, and it was the peak of the 2021 bubble. Cardano dropped again back to 2017 levels and lost 90% of its price from that peak, all while analysts kept claiming it was going to the $10 or even $100 moon.

The same thing happened with Ripple, the scammiest token ever that analysts claim unreasonable prices that would make up for quadrillions of market cap.

In a sense, it is all a joke. A colossal pump and dump, but the issue is how people with limited research will know they bought the top and their investment is about to drop by 90% in the following months.

Sadly, they will never know. They don’t follow anyone of the few that send warnings and raise red flags.

Investing is an entirely different story, and you will find today several “investors” who fail to realize where exactly they are investing.

Why do you invest in something you would never even use?

I have investments in companies that millions use daily and offer a service to our societies.

Yet, with Bitcoin BTC, you invest in something that does not work as it was intended.

Here is the service Bitcoin offers (the BTC version used to):

  • Censorship resistance
  • Bank the unbanked (or unbank everyone)
  • Permissionless network
  • Use case in commerce/payments

What does it offer today after destroying its potential by not scaling?

There’s nothing, just holders of a Ponzi token expecting the price to rise, but know they will sell. They always do, so don’t be deceived by their malicious lies. Many of them are paid as marketing agents, paid by magazines, by the media, and by whales.

The bear market will follow. That’s how these cycles work. Winter will come, and by the first quarter of 2025, it will all be over (again).

Since there is no seriousness in producing value for our societies besides the memes and entertainment factor, crypto will die again.

In Conclusion

If you have 15 minutes to spare, watch my latest video on YouTube explaining my thesis on Bitcoin’s price for 2024 and why I believe the odds of BTC succeeding in the long run are practically zero.

While Bitcoin BTC will most likely present lower profit than the previous cycle (2021), a wide variety of cryptocurrencies exists that can thrive and some may even overtake it as the market leader.

Solutions exist, but the fact is that the current top-15 or even top-20 cryptocurrencies already appear to be overpriced and not a good bargain.

With fake network effects and prices based solely on pump-and-dump marketing schematics, investing with long-term ambitions is a delusional approach. Only a handful of cryptocurrencies deserve investing as they do contain actual value, and those are not easy to locate without performing research for years.

If you plan to invest, do your research and find cryptocurrencies that work well, sustain censorship resistance, and promote decentralized use far from trusted third parties. The entire concept of crypto begins and ends with these features.

Those invested today should know that prices will fluctuate and can return to the current or way lower than the current levels after this last hype cycle ends.

We should expect a gigantic pump and dump in 2024, and we have to assume positions and not miss out on profit-taking as well.

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The Crypto Kiosk

Sharing my seven years of experience with cryptocurrencies.