Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets — Lost My Legendary … Have You Seen It?

The Crypto Kiosk
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2023


Greetings Splinterlands Summoners! The classic weekly battle challenge retired to make way for the Battle Mage Secrets series, making it more entertaining. This new set-up adds a focus on dynamic strategies, as players will be able to choose from a greater selection of more diverse units to bring into battle.

Let’s enjoy the Lost Legendaries ruleset, when legendary units may not be used. This makes the team setup focus on creating a good synergy between non-legy monsters.

This battle-rule will make Battle Mage work harder for victory. All the legendary summoners are still available, so at least that’s a good thing!

Yes… legendary cards are game changers, and even if I don’t own too many… I use them whenever it’s possible. The most used is probably the Fire Scorcher, one mana Fire card… but not today!

Is the battle lost if you lost your legendary? I tried to make a team with muscles and brute force, over-powered melees that will top the table. No legendaries and only 28 mana for this task!

Kelya Frendul: +1 Speed & +1 Armor

Coastal Sentry: Melee with Double Strike

Deeplurker: Melee with Opportunity



The Crypto Kiosk

Entered the Cryptoverse in 2015! Crypto Content Creator since March 2020, currently going past 1000 consecutive days of publishing. DAO member and NFT collector