The 1% Formula: Crypto Influencer Secrets for Massive Social Media Success

Rahul Banerjee
The Crypto Kiosk
Published in
8 min readJun 30, 2023

As a big fan of crypto and a content marketer, I completely know how powerful social media can be for driving a huge success. In this blog, I will share with you some secrets used by the top 1% of crypto influencers to utilize the full potential of social media platforms.

Secret Formula to Succeed as a Crypto Influencer

From building a solid personal brand to engaging with the crypto community, I will provide actionable insights and examples to help elevate your social media game.

So, let us quickly dive in without wasting any more time!

1. Define Your Brand: Most aspiring crypto influencers struggle as they start their journey without clearly defining the personal brand they want to create. Building a solid personal brand is imperative to achieve successful influence in the crypto world.

If you want to have a top-notch crypto influencer profile, then you should be clear on what you are offering and what value it will create for the audience you want to cater to. The first thing you need to do is to identify your unique proposition and position yourself as an expert in the niche of your expertise.

For instance, by defining your brand, you can magnetize your online presence and attract loyal followers that resonate with your area of expertise. You could focus on providing educational content about blockchain technology, analyzing market trends, or sharing insights on upcoming crypto projects.

Example: Ivan Liljeqvist, known as Ivan on Tech, is a famous crypto influencer. A techy by himself has created a niche for himself and has built a strong personal brand through his YouTube channel and online courses, where he provides in-depth analysis of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency projects, and market trends. Ivan successfully engages with his community online through live streams, interviews with industry experts, and educational content.

Evan on Tech — Crypto Influencer


2. Focus on Your Strengths and Choose the Right Social Media Platforms:

Every influencer has a specific set of expertise that creates a unique value for their community. Focus on strengths first and see where your audience is most active. You need to ask yourself — which channel should I use to provide valuable content to my audience?

Choosing the right channel to distribute your content is an art in itself. Your success as a crypto influencer depends on your core strengths and the channels you use effectively. In the end, you should remember the uniqueness and the value you are creating.

Here are a few examples of social media platforms where you can analyze the kind of content and the audience present:

· Twitter: Twitter is the heart of real-time crypto conversations and effectively allows you to engage with the community, share timely updates, and participate in trending conversations.

· YouTube: Everyone knows about YouTube. It is one of the most sorted destinations for the consumption of content in terms of videos. Most of the audience in the crypto industry do spend a sizable amount of time on YouTube. As a video-sharing platform, YouTube provides an opportunity to create educational videos, market analyses, and interviews with industry experts. Visual content can be highly engaging and help you reach a broad audience.

· LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional platform and ideal for sharing thought leadership articles, industry insights, and connecting with other professionals in the crypto industry.

Example: Crypto Wendy O is a well-known crypto trader and influencer. She gained popularity through her active presence on Twitter, sharing her trading insights, technical analysis, and market predictions. Wendy has built a loyal following by providing valuable content and engaging with her audience through Twitter threads and Q&A sessions.

Crypto Wendy O — An amazing crypto personality


3. Engaging with the Crypto Community:

To be a successful crypto influencer, building a strong relationship with your audience is most important. Engage with the community by participating in discussions, responding to comments, and providing valuable insights.

Try to solve their problem or the solutions they are looking for. The more you engage with high-quality content which solves target audience problems the more loyal users you will have on your profile or channel.

Additionally, you can actively seek opportunities to collaborate with other influencers and industry experts to amplify your reach.

Example: Carl Martinsson, also known as The Moon Carl, is a crypto YouTuber who specializes in technical analysis of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. He consistently updates on market trends, price predictions, and trading strategies. His ability to give a technical, analytical approach to simplify complex crypto concepts has led Carl’s YouTube channel to significant audience growth. People love him.

Carl The Moon — Technical Crypto Analysts and Influencer


4. Create High-Quality Content:

Whichever channel you use; quality content is the cornerstone of crypto influencer success. Your content should be informative, well-researched, and provide unique insights apart from providing solutions that your target audience is looking for.

Share your expertise through articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, or infographics. Be bold, research & tackle complex topics, and provide in-depth analysis that sets you apart from others in the field.

Example: EllioTrades, a thought leader, a prominent crypto influencer and content creator, offers insightful analysis and investment strategies in the crypto market. Focusing on fundamental analysis, he explores cryptocurrencies’ technology, team, and market potential. His engaging live streams and high-quality, informative content provide valuable insights for crypto enthusiasts and investors.

EllioTrades — A Thought Leader and a Crypto Content Creator


5. Stay Abreast of Industry Trends:

I have seldom seen an industry like Crypto, which is so dynamic and ever-evolving. So much good, bad, and ugly content is floating around that many audiences feel cheated and scared by the unimaginable low-quality online content.

You need to become a ‘TRUSTED’ source of information. Staying current with the latest market trends, emerging technologies, and in-depth regulatory frameworks becomes crucial for balancing your impact on your community as a crypto influencer.

Example: Aaron Bennett, a well-known crypto influencer, diligently monitors crypto trends and provides simplified, in-depth analysis to his audience. He specializes in shedding light on various projects’ legal and regulatory aspects, making complex information accessible and understandable for his followers. His consistent analysis and updates on Celsius debacle and the court proceedings have significantly impacted his audience.

Aaron Bennett — Crypto Educator and Influencer


5. Prepare for Abundance of Patience and Consistency in Your Hustle:

Many potential influencers do not grow and remain average in their growth as they miss the push to be consistent in whatever they are doing. Plan properly, and they stick to your plan, have patience and keep doing it. To be a successful and top crypto influencer takes time and dedication.

Consistency, authenticity, and value-driven content are crucial to building a loyal audience base and establishing yourself as an authority in the crypto world.

All the above crypto influencers have at least one thing in common. They are consistent in their approach and have been doing their hustle for quite some time now.

Example: CryptosRus is a highly regarded crypto influencer who exemplifies the importance of patience and consistency in the crypto space. He has built a loyal audience by consistently delivering valuable educational content, insights, and market analysis. He emphasizes the importance of taking a long-term approach in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies and advises his audience to stay patient and committed to their crypto journey. CryptosRUs serves as a guiding light for crypto enthusiasts, encouraging them to stay informed, persistent, and focused on their goals.

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6. Analyze Your Data and Understand Your Audience Better:

Data speaks a lot by itself and is a medium through which big brands make decisions considering the audience’s preferences. It would be best if you regularly spent time analyzing the data about the content you are generating and how effective they have been. You will know exactly where to improve and where to focus further.

Example: BitBoy is a crypto influencer who stands out because he uses data well in his strategies. He knows the power of making decisions based on data and uses it to give his audience accurate views and analyses. BitBoy uses information from different places, like market trends, project basics, and technical analysis, to support his content and suggestions.

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BitBoy boosts the credibility of his content and gives his audience the tools they need to make intelligent choices in the crypto world by combining his extensive knowledge with data-driven insights. His ability to make sense of data and present it in a way that is easy to understand and interesting makes him a reliable source of information in the crypto community.

So, are you ready to take your social media strategy to the next level by learning the secrets of the top 1% of crypto influencers?

Start thinking and putting these strategies into action, and you will see your impact rise in your audience analytics, no matter what tool you are using.

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Rahul Banerjee
The Crypto Kiosk

Data Enthusiast, Web3 & Bitcoin buff. 18+ yrs sharpening SEO, content and organic marketing swords. Analytics & Biz intelligence sleuth.