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The Bitcoin Version That Works

The Mission To Spread Financial Freedom

The Crypto Kiosk
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2023


Cryptocurrency adoption will not increase just by “hodling”.

By solely investing and telling others to invest we accomplish nothing.

What is the end game if crypto evangelists don’t educate their followers?

The use case, if anyone hasn’t found it yet, is censorship-resistant digital cash.

Decentralization is the vehicle that drives us to censorship resistance.

However, this is also hard money with a fixed supply, with fees low enough to enable the financial inclusion of everyone in the world.

Bitcoin Cash is the only version of Bitcoin that works as expected with low fees, instant, and censorship-resistant transactions, ready for mass adoption.

Financial Freedom

The mission is financial freedom, but the term alone is often miscommunicated.

Financial freedom suggests being able to pay anyone at any time, without a third party interfering and censoring our transactions.

Transacting peer-to-peer, without anyone else in between.

However, high fees also limit freedom and enforce restrictions.
Bitcoin (BTC) has failed in this sense to deliver financial freedom to the world.

The quote by Blockstream’s Samson Mow is the epitome of the failure of BTC to scale.

“Bitcoin is not for people that live on less than $2 a day”.

This is how Bitcoin was redesigned by Blockstream, the for-profit company that wanted to promote layer-2 networks like Lightning and Liquid and find a stable income from donations by competitors of Bitcoin, like AΧΑ, Mastercard, and other financial institutions.

Bitcoin Cash, with fees lower than a penny and instant transactions, facilitates global commerce.

The Money We Deserve

We need money that doesn’t evaporate over time and lose purchasing power.

The fixed supply of 21 million coins ensures that a certain velocity will sustain the value of each coin.

Bitcoin Cash followed Satoshi’s recommendations and the original intention.

Besides sustaining the 1MB block, the BTC version of Bitcoin moved further from the initial code and intentions by implementing Segwit, and later Taproot. Taproot allowed the uploading of jpegs as NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain, something that was actually the reason the 1MB blocksize limit was enforced by Satoshi in 2010.

Yet, Satoshi also left clear instructions on how to proceed with increasing the block size limit:

Individuals that were never interested in anything else than the price.
They ignored fundamentals and supported the stagnation of Bitcoin and the financial exclusion of billions from financial freedom.

The high BTC fees severely restrict freedom.

In Conclusion

Using cryptocurrency is of utmost importance, no matter our coins of preference.

Cryptocurrency is not the centralized exchanges and the peripheral custodian services.

Crypto is peer-to-peer.

We have to push crypto as a non-custodial option in payments.
Companies accept all other methods tied to fiat currency, like Google and Amazon pay cards, Paysafe, and anything else they can think of.

Yet, the cryptocurrency industry is consumed in price speculation, with conferences and private companies offering centralized vaporware diverting from the target.

Utility is the key. There is no alternative.

Offering value to the world is the sole purpose.

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The Crypto Kiosk

Sharing my seven years of experience with cryptocurrencies.