The BTC Price Failure Brings The Maximalists Back To Earth

Maximalists Turn Rational Or Is It The Price That Disappoints?

The Crypto Kiosk
5 min readDec 17, 2022


Part of the maximalist community of Bitcoin (BTC) finally appears to recognize how centralized development forced stagnation in scalability and limited Bitcoin’s chances of mass adoption.

We witness skepticism regarding Bitcoin’s chances, emerging from a part of the maximalist crowd with respected members of the “cult” questioning the motives of Core devs.

The reasons are unclear, but perhaps the recent price failure could be one.

The BTC price blinded maximalists for years and became their sole purpose. Anything goes as long as it helps the price of BTC rise.

Even maximalists achieve clarity as the price of BTC failed to reach the S2F targets (above $100K) and dropped fast into the previous cycle level (something that hasn’t happened before).

Perhaps as they unload the “heavy bags”, some maximalists become less irrational. However, they still don’t appear to push any drastic changes in their approach but stay attached to Blockstream’s narrative, perhaps as a controlled opposition.

It is Bitcoin Cash or Blockstream, though.

There is no other alternative to Bitcoin’s scalability.

The Tides Turn

Perhaps they already extracted the maximum from the price rise of Bitcoin, and finally realized the prospects of BTC are limited.

Maybe, they finally acknowledge their mistakes and decided to abandon greed, aggression, and the narrow-minded approach that infests the current Bitcoin community.

That would be a positive development if the intentions were aligned with the purpose and not in speculative narratives.

Still, upon acknowledging their mistake, they should also realize that the BTC version of Bitcoin will never change.

BTC will never become a competitive method of exchange.

The decision was made in 2014–2015, and all these people supported the wrong side, and in 2017 the wrong chain.

An irreversible mistake, so they shouldn’t act like something can ever change.

Upon acknowledging these facts you should also make amends and support Bitcoin Cash.

Otherwise, your statements are hollow and irrelevant.

There is simply no alternative. You located the issue, but you are doing nothing but supporting what appears to be a hijacked failed experiment.

You will always be serving Blockstream otherwise.

Back, Dashjr and Maxwell will always control you, Ragnar.

The gang that controls developments will never accept scaling solutions for the blockchain.

Moreover, you already know Bitcoin Cash works perfectly, and this is Bitcoin according to the whitepaper and logic.

The only logical step after making such a statement as the one ragnar.btc expressed is to move to Bitcoin Cash.

Bitcoin Cash is the Bitcoin Satoshi and the rest of the volunteers started working on since 2010:

Decentralized fast with low fees.

Bitcoin Cash is for everyone, with no custodian third parties in control.

The establishment will spare nobody, not even its allies.

In the end, the maximalists will embrace CBDCs and be happy.

The alternative is freedom. Bitcoin Cash.

But freedom is not given. It demands sacrifices.

Closing Thoughts : When The Hodlers SODL

Bitcoin Cash needs support from those that originally supported it.

It is time for all those developers to speak their minds again. Staying in the shadows does not help the Bitcoin revolution.

Gavin Andresen, Jeff Garzik, Mike Hearn, and the rest of the OGs in the community that supported scalability and envisioned Bitcoin as a global competitor to the legacy financial establishment should reconsider their current neutral stance.

You will regret staying in the shadows as there’s a significant threat now.

BTC’s stagnation paved the way for CBDCs. And the CBDCs are coming FAST.

It might be too late, but I believe any support will not be in vain.

At least we have a working version of Bitcoin to oppose this authoritarian financial threat. Without support, though, CBDCs will dominate.

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The Crypto Kiosk

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