Write For Us

The Crypto Kiosk Is Accepting New Writers!

The Crypto Kiosk
6 min readMay 5, 2023


Welcome To The Crypto Kiosk!

Crypto Kiosk seeks to promote cryptocurrency and economic freedom.

The publication is now open to apply and submit content under these conditions:

  1. No plagiarism
  2. No AI-generated content
  3. Be a Medium member (paid subscriber)
  4. Follow Medium rules (link)
  5. Write on the topic of cryptocurrency

At the beginning phase of the publication, we have to exclude non-Medium subscribers from applications to reduce the amount of our work and limit the odds of plagiarised and AI-generated content. There will be only a few exceptions to this rule.

This restriction might change as the publication grows. For the time being, we consider it mandatory to reduce our work to a tolerable level.

Any content submitted has to be in English.

Our rules will not change in the future, but minor adjustments may apply depending on the conditions.

Submission Details

We accept submissions as published articles or drafts. Still, submitting a draft before publishing seems to be the proper approach:

If your draft does get published by the publication, you get a higher chance of making it to the top Medium stories. Part of Medium’s algorithm for featuring top stories is based on the number of recommends and responses you get within an early time frame. So by letting the publications publish your post, you gain the most eyes in a short period of time.


While Medium’s system of promoting content changed recently, we still notice that several publications will only accept drafts. It is optimal to submit the finalized draft before publishing the article, although we will accept both.

Depending on the reaction from the public, we may feature stories in the publication. Unlike other publications, we won’t only pin our editors’ stories to the top. There will be equal treatment (as much as possible).

Writers can publish anything related to blockchain, cryptocurrency, DeFi, NFTs, Crypto-gaming, Web3, and smart contracts.

What We Do Not Accept

Besides articles breaking Medium’s rules and ToS, we do not accept articles promoting known or verified fraudulent schemes, projects with obvious red flags, Ponzi schemes, Bitcoin doublers, and similar schemes. Perform due diligence when encountering dubious projects. If in doubt, don’t write about it.

We can not accept articles applying for a bounty either since Medium does not allow it.


We are NOT RESPONSIBLE for financial advice, fraud, malicious links, or the intentions of our writers. If we discover any writer engaging intentionally in such activities, we will remove and report them.

Any writer can always edit their content entirely after we accept their story. Thus, we do not know if someone edited their story into something entirely different from the content we initially accepted.

We will perform due diligence and disregard applications from writers with such intentions. We will only onboard Medium subscribers as writers for this reason as well. Burner accounts contribute to 99% of these cases.

We do not reserve any rights for content published on Crypto Kiosk but only reserve the rights for our work as writers. The author is the owner of their content, not the publication.

We will not edit, correct, or alter the content and titles when writers submit content to our publication.


We detest plagiarism. We will scan articles for plagiarism and AI content generation with various tools. Please, don’t consider applying plagiarised or AI content, since we will remove individuals that disrespect the hard work of writers.

Images and material ought to be copyright-free (take advantage of Pixabay and Unsplash), exhibit an obvious case of fair use, or contain the consent of the copyright owner.

Please always submit links to the images used.

How To Apply:

Use one of the following methods:

  • Comment on this post with “add me as a writer”
  • Leave a private message on this article
  • Email at: cryptokiosk1@gmail.com

Feel free to email me with any questions and suggestions, and we will try to reply within a few days.

Quality Is Subjective

We do not judge anyone, but we will not accept a poorly written/translated article.

To improve readability use these tools:

  • Grammarly
  • ProWritingAid

Both platforms offer a free package that helps improve readability.

We do not judge anyone, and we are not better writers. However, the publication deserves a minimum standard of quality.

We will not reject content of accepted writers unless it breaks the rules, or the content is irrelevant to the publication’s purpose.

Our objective is to explore and advance cryptocurrency, but we can also accept topics relevant to finance, investing, and money categories.

Here are some examples:

We share our passion for cryptocurrency and desire similar-minded people to join, express their thoughts, review platforms and projects, and share experiences.

Crypto Kiosk Statistics

With just me and PVMihalache (last two weeks) as writers, the publication is already attracting attention.

With more writers on board, we can make this a dynamic hub sharing crypto news and information.

The publication recently experienced an influx of new followers (10–20 new followers daily).

This is only the beginning. I will be updating followers’ stats every month.

A publication’s purpose is to create a community and promote like-minded writers.

We can’t guarantee our writers will receive better views using our publication, although we expect the number of followers to keep increasing as we broadcast new content.

Updated Stats: July 2023

In the last three months since launching our publication, we doubled in views and followers:

Closing Thoughts: A New Beginning

Please feel free to join the Crypto Kiosk.

There will be exceptions to the rule concerning accepting only Medium subscribers, although not many. I hope you understand our reasons as explained above, and we will try to lift this restriction in the future.

I do not wish to be the sole person handling the publication, so I am already sharing the role of editor with PVMihalache. As the publication grows, we will find more individuals we can trust.

We would love to see the publication mature into a hub including writers that bring value to our community, and we’d love to see investors, developers, and crypto enthusiasts, even crypto skeptics publishing their ideas at the Crypto Kiosk publication.

Contact Here:

You can also follow me and PVMihalache on Twitter:



The Crypto Kiosk

Sharing my seven years of experience with cryptocurrencies.