Who Are The Crypto Prophets?

The Crypto Prophecies
The Crypto Prophecies
4 min readMay 11, 2021


After the devastating battle between Satoshi and the evil warlock Furmalum of The Great Beyond, The Oracle of Opulentos re-opened the legendary Crypto Arena to restore the financial might of The Crypto World. With your Crypto Prophet, you can enter the fabled battle arena, realise The Oracle’s ambitions and grow your own wealth. But who are the Crypto Prophets? Here we take a look at the various races of Prophets in The Crypto World and how they battle with each other using Profit Magic.

The Crypto Prophet Races

The Crypto Prophets are your secret weapon throughout The Crypto Prophecies. They are your route to victory in the Crypto Battle Arena and a tool to grow your wealth. There are (currently) four races of Crypto Prophets you can summon. Each race contains ten Prophets in rarity tiers from Common to Founder.

Generation 1 has 4 races of Crypto Prophets

The Satoshians

The Satoshians — legendary sorcerers of the flame — inhabit the barren, volcanic kingdom within The Crypto World. They are powerful enough to thrive in this volatile area and wield fire magic that destroys anyone, or anything, daring enough to face them in battle.

The Satoshians — Legendary sorcerers of the flame

Don’t be deceived by The Satoshians’ cute exterior; they’re fierce fighters and their pure fire magic is The Crypto World’s original magical force.

The Etherians

Hidden in the Forbidden Forests of The Crypto World, The Etherians are ancient wizards of the earth; a race of Crypto Prophets that prosper most when surrounded by trees, babbling brooks, wellsprings and the natural world. Instinctive builders, The Etherians work together with nature to cultivate and preserve the land around them.

The Etherians — Ancient wizards of the Earth

Their natural magic is a manifestation of their connection with all living things and, like miniature Treants, they are decorated with flowers, mushrooms, leafy growths and flourish their wooden staffs when casting spells.

The Ripptilians

The Ripptilians are serpentine creatures and master manipulators of matter that live in the humid swamplands and dank underground caverns which directly border the unknown of The Great Beyond.

The Ripptilians — Master manipulators of matter

This mystical race of Crypto Prophets are seen as outcasts; manipulating other races of Prophets with their powers of Telekinesis and dwelling in the deep parts of the Crypto World where they can be close to their favoured sources of geothermal and magnetic energy.

The Tezmanians

If you want to wield arcane magic that can warp the very fabric of time and space in the Battle Arena, The Tezmanians are mages of the arcane order.

The Tezmanians — Mages of the arcane order

This race of Crypto Prophets may look cute and cuddly at first glance, but The Tezmanians are powerful mages who harness the mysterious powers running deep beneath The Crypto World with devastating effect. The Tezmanians are constantly evolving, which keeps them looking young, but don’t be fooled — battling them certainly isn’t child’s play!

Developing Your Crypto Prophets

Whichever race of Crypto Prophet you decide suits your playing style, you must develop and nurture your Prophet — or Prophets — to progress through the game and claim victory in The Crypto Arena. Rising through the tiers, collecting an array of items and spells and improving your chosen prophet is the best way to succeed. Whether you choose to summon better Prophets with rare Summong Orbs or use the burn spell to take your prophet to the next level up, cultivating the battling prowess of your Prophets is essential to progress, increase your wealth and become a legend in the Crypto Battle Arena.

Summon Your Very Own Crypto Prophet and Start Your Journey With The Crypto Prophecies

What will your Crypto Prophecy be? Find out soon by developing, nurturing and improving your Prophets in The Crypto Prophecies. Sign up to play and join our Telegram group to claim $5 of bTCP tokens.



The Crypto Prophecies is a decentralised peer-to-peer price prediction trading game that has magical NFT characters and items.