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7 Big Obstacles To Mass Adoption Of Blockchain Technology

Niklas Göke
The Crypto Times
Published in
7 min readMar 29, 2018


Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. What follows is my personal, subjective, biased opinion.

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee took CERN’s internal network of hypertext on various computers, added the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and domain naming, and thus invented the world wide web as we know it.

Ten years later, the technology was still rudimentary at best. In 1999, fewer than 300 million people had access to the internet, less than 5% of the world’s population at the time. I was in third grade. One of the lucky few, our German internet provider billed by the minute. Whenever I signed on, a big, green timer my dad had installed showed me how much of my 30- or 60-minute budget I still had left. With a glorious 56k modem, page loading wasn’t fast either, and at 7 kB/s, forget downloads.

Once again: That was the internet ten years in. Today, as we’re closing in on 30 years of the commercial web, we’re just about to reach 50% global penetration. Yes, the progression of the internet is still a slow, meandering process. As it always was.

2018 will mark the tenth anniversary of the publication of the Bitcoin white paper and therefore places blockchain technology in a stage equivalent to the internet’s 1998. True, innovations now diffuse



Niklas Göke
The Crypto Times

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