The Complete, Controversial History Of Verge

Niklas Göke
Published in
12 min readApr 26, 2018


Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. What follows is my personal, subjective, biased opinion.

In 1998, Ronald Reagan’s Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop co-founded the health website Less than one year later, they went public with a $88.5 million valuation. Within a month, the stock skyrocketed, bringing overall valuation to $400 million and AOL to the table. The two companies formed a four-year strategic partnership with a $89 million budget.

There was only one problem: People did not trust a health website that ran on ads. In December 2001, Dr. Koop shut down operations, making it one of many flashes in the dot-com pan.

History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. In order for new markets to mature, they must wash out the Dr. Koops of their day. Whether they’re bad ideas, shady businesses, or outright scams is often impossible to say. What we do know is that the more red flags wave atop the new market hill, the further we’re away from a legit industry ready for the masses.

After lending ponzi scheme Bitconnect shut down in January 2018, one of the biggest red flags still waving in cryptocurrency is actually blue. A top 20 project by market cap, the privacy-optional Verge has weathered storm after storm thus far. But has it led to a clean…



Niklas Göke
The Crypto Times

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