A Chance to Change: Our Workforce in Progress

Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement
3 min readJul 28, 2016

The flux in today’s workforce is palpable.

There are myriad factors at play as businesses try to attract, recruit and retain the top talent in a very competitive marketplace. Millennials coming in and Baby Boomers going out top the list of radical change. These are followed by the integration of HR technologies (which are not truly integrated yet) along with multiple layers of new management that have just moved up from individual contributor ranks and lack real leadership skills.

The U.S. Department of Labor points out that to understand how to retain good employees, you first need to know what they’re looking for. Today, the best employees want:

· Career development opportunities and a chance to grow in their chosen field

· Regular feedback on how both they and the company are doing

· A chance to contribute directly to the organization and be
recognized for doing so

· Flexible work schedules that recognize their need for work/life balance

· A good salary or wage and an opportunity to increase it over time

· Benefits tailored to their individual needs.

Kroff Chemical out of Pittsburgh, PA has taken a unique approach to address these many requirements for finding and keeping the best talent in the industry. The have implemented a comprehensive talent development strategy called the FastTrack™ Career Accelerator Program.

This program leverages a revolutionary balance of people, processes and smart cultural branding to optimize recruiting, onboarding, training and developing Kroff’s current and future employees.

By taking a holistic view of their workforce, Kroff leadership has designed a program that is formal enough to be implemented, tracked and measured, while being flexible enough to address the unique career needs of their diverse talent pool.

Kroff no longer posts listings for just jobs.

Now, the company notes that they are seeking FastTrack™ candidates who want to be part of their unique and thriving work culture that they have built over the past 25+ years.

It’s not about finding a job; it’s about providing a meaningful career opportunity.

The result of their innovative approach is a 72% improvement in recruitment, employee engagement and overall workforce satisfaction.

BI Worldwide recently published the Top Employee Engagement Trends of 2016. These trends included:

· Focus on Employee Happiness

· Demand More from Your Managers

· Make Work Meaningful

· Lead with Compassion

· Meet Employees Where They Are with Technology

· Train More, With Less.

As all of these data and innovation points continue to swirl, we know that the changes will continue to come in our talent management space.

These are heady times, where companies who truly invest in their changing workforce will rise to the top, while the old school way of thinking about your talent may just plummet you down to a place where no one wants to be.

And it will be hard to get back up from a fall like that.



Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement

Josef Bastian is an author, human performance practitioner and often an odd duck.