After Class

Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement
Apr 18, 2023

This poem is drawn from a now declassified 1983 CIA report on a technique called the Gateway Experience, providing a training system designed to focus brainwave output to alter consciousness and ultimately escape the restrictions of time and space. It purports our entire universe is made up of energy grids.

You and I are here

In a universe composed

Of interacting energy fields

Some at rest and some in motion

Part of a hologram of unbelievable complexity.

We are energy

Creating, storing, and retrieving

Meaning in the universe

By projecting or expanding

Certain frequencies

In a three-dimensional code –

Creating a living pattern

A hologram within a hologram.

Whether we move

Or remain at rest

We are the energy

The part encoding the whole.



Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement

Josef Bastian is an author, human performance practitioner and often an odd duck.