How the Folktellers Came to Be

Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement
4 min readFeb 5, 2018

This is the Folkteller Creation Myth from Book I of our Guidebook Series — Phases of the Moon:

In the beginning, there was one singular force in the universe, known simply as the ONLY.

The ONLY was a creator, whose voice boomed with living Words.

The Words that the ONLY spoke were much more than just the Words that you and I know. No, these Words were extremely powerful. Once spoken, the Words became real.

That meant that when the ONLY said a Word like “tree,” it became a real tree.

And when the ONLY said the Word “river,” a flowing stream of water appeared, bubbling over the ground.

And when the ONLY said “lion,” “tiger,” or “zebra,” a menagerie of animals populated the world in an instant.

So, it went that the ONLY created the oceans and the stars, the flora and the fauna, the heavens, and galaxies, with the Words and a voice that rumbled with the power of creation.

And then the ONLY created people.

The ONLY used different Words to populate the world with many different kinds of people. They all lived in different lands, across many oceans: some in the north, some in the south, some in the far east, or even out west. And some lived smack-dab in the middle of everything.

But regardless of where the people lived, they all spoke the same language.

Once the universe was complete, the ONLY decided to share this power with some of the creatures.

The ONLY gave people the power to create, using Words. If they said “dog,” or “apple,” or “duck-billed platypus,” one would surely appear, for everyone had the same power and used the same Words.

And it was right at that moment that trouble began in the universe. . . .

Some people began to abuse the power to create. They used the Words the way you might use a well of unending wishes.

Many people created things that were beautiful, bright, and cherished by all those around them. They used their Words for the betterment of humanity.

But others used their Words for selfish reasons, gathering objects, trinkets, and baubles for themselves to hoard.

Still others used their Words to destroy — to crush and kill in order to control their environment.

And it was with these evil Words that darkness and shadow were permitted to enter this universe.

Over time, this misuse of power manifested a darkness so terrible that it had the power to overcome the very force that had brought it to life.

The ONLY saw what had happened and wept.

“They have abused the gift I’ve given them. Now something must be done, before it’s too late.”

So, the ONLY cast a spell upon the universe. This magic changed the power of the Word, splitting it in two, so that the Word became only a symbol of the thing it described — not the thing itself.

Now when someone said “turtledove,” or “drawbridge,” it was just a Word, a symbol of the thing, nothing else.

The ONLY cast one more spell. Suddenly the Words people spoke were different. Depending on where they lived, or what part of the universe they were in, their language differed greatly. Now the people couldn’t understand what others were saying.

Confusion was everywhere. For a time, nothing was created, and nobody could understand why.

Darkness and shadow spread across the land and the seas, feeding on the chaos of a universe that had lost the ability to create and communicate.

The ONLY saw what had been done and sighed.

“They still have the power to create, but everything is different now. They’ll have to rediscover the power for themselves.”

So, the ONLY gave them the Story. The Story was the way that people could create again, and share with others. The Words would be spoken, written down, or drawn, or sculpted, or built into something tangible, until the thing that was created communicated the reality and the truth hidden within.

And from this fractured universe, new creators emerged. These were the people who understood what had happened to their universe. They were the ones who saw the spells of the ONLY and realized that it was only through their art and skill, that the pieces could be put back together.

So, they began to tell their stories. People from far and wide gathered to hear, see, and feel the new Words and images that told of the truth that had been lost so long ago. Stories were gathered, collected, and shared.

These weavers of stories were called by many names, but most came to know them as the Folktellers. They became the ones who traveled time, space, and dimension to tell people the stories they needed to hear. They were the collectors of legends and the tellers of tales, driven to share the light of truth and knowledge to keep their universe vibrant and alive.

And the shadows would follow them, seeking to control, command, and destroy the bearers of light. For to them the light was a terrible fire that burned right through them. It was a horrible force that they would never understand.

Yet they knew that the Folktellers’ stories were formidable, and that those who wielded the Story held the power. So, the shadows sought to possess the very thing they feared the most.

And so it remains to this very day. The struggle between light and dark, between shadow and illumination, continues, as the Folktellers share the storied flames of the light that guide the way, for all those who seek their own true destiny.



Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement

Josef Bastian is an author, human performance practitioner and often an odd duck.