
Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement
2 min readFeb 24, 2020

When I was little

Everything was done for me

Clothes were put on, faces were washed

And dinner served at six from a high tray.

I often dreamed as I got older

Of a pair of short trousers

The kind worn by western campers

Or adventurers in jungles, mountains, and deserts.

Mothers are wise

And know a child’s mind

Without a word spoken

They gather thoughts inside apron pockets.

The package arrived unceremoniously

Wrapped in plain, brown paper

With a name I was told

In no uncertain terms, was my own.

Mother insisted

That patience was a noble virtue

And so I must wait

For the appropriate time to receive the gift.

A waiting child counts

Minutes like hours, hours like days

In the relentless obsession

Of uncovering the tantalizing unknown.

So, when the day arrived

Where I was allowed to see

What mother had ordered

The energy could not be contained.

Family and friends were much more impressed

With the rocking horse and erector’s set

That sat ignored on the table

While I was overwhelmed by the box

That housed the green-gray trousers.

Despite the prickling cold

Of the early spring morning

I emerged from my room

Ready for the day’s adventure.

The warm sun did little

To penetrate the heavy chill

Built up by months of winter’s

Blanket bunched along the curbs and gutters.

Once outside, I stood alone and proud

Examining each and every

Zipper, pocket, and pouch

Of my newly-issued uniform.

It occurred to me

Upon this initial inspection

That each one of these repositories

Represented my first freedom –

The day continued with vigor

As the treasures of the earth

Lined my new pockets with

Their full weight and substance.

I gathered rocks, rubber bands

Discarded marbles, misplaced pennies

And other things that caught my eye

Foraged and found with my own two hands.

The cargo shorts bulged

With the gold and silver

Of rusted Hot Wheels and old acorns

Gouged out of the dirt.

Sadly, mother never shared the full joy

Of the treasured horde

That I laid at her feet

Still, a fitting tribute to the noble queen.

Yet her lack of enthusiasm didn’t dampen

My unsinkable spirit

As I knew tomorrow was another day

To seek even greater treasures

And fill the pockets that now lay empty.



Josef Bastian
The Cryptofolk Movement

Josef Bastian is an author, human performance practitioner and often an odd duck.