Managing Local Tezos Infrastructure with Nautilus Core

Pratham Rawat
The Cryptonomic Aperiodical
4 min readDec 24, 2020

At the core of every Tezos Developer’s toolset is invariably one thing: The Tezos Node.

However, running multiple Tezos Nodes locally for all of your potential apps, tools, and networks can be challenging. No matter how good your organization is, managing all of those ports, containers, and processes adds up fast.

Cryptonomic has worked hard to provide robust and reliable public Tezos Nodes, as well nodes of our blockchain indexer, Conseil. You can find these on Nautilus Cloud! We also provide Arronax, a blockchain analytics tool with customization and power like no other. All of these are available publicly for developers to use to easily develop their apps and dApps on the Tezos chain.

However, tools on the Cloud are not always the best tools for the job. Often, local infrastructure is needed for development, debugging, and security. Unfortunately, such infrastructure is not always the easiest to set up on short notice.

To manage such a deep problem, an equally powerful tool is needed. This tool is Nautilus Core: the solution to all of your local Tezos Infrastructure needs.

In order to use it, clone it from the repository, and follow the instructions on the README to get started!

Nautilus Core allows us to set up Tezos Nodes and associated infrastructure at the push of a button.

Well… a few more buttons.

First there is a name input to differentiate the different nodes:

Followed by which network we want the node to run on:

And finally the history mode for the Tezos node software:

There are also a number of advanced settings as well. We will add restoring a node off of a snapshot soon! Or, if running an archive node, there are options to install Arronax and Conseil alongside the node.

With those options in, we can start the node by submitting! And now the node shows up on our homepage.

Clicking on the node provides lots of relevant node information. There are the container logs for each container created by Nautilus Core:

The basic info for the node:

The relevant ports for the node:

And finally,options to stop the node, restart the node, or delete the node.

Because the nodes run on containers, the local workspace will remain untouched. And because the project is built on top of the ubiquitous docker-compose infrastructure, it is easy to hack and configure!

We hope you have as much fun using Nautilus Core as we had building it! We have lots of ideas in development, and are working hard to include more features and customization for the nodes. Better Call Dev, and the rest of your favorite Tezos tools might soon be included as apps to start alongside your nodes. If you have any questions or feature suggestions, please let us know on Twitter, our Matrix Rooms, or by reaching out directly. We hope that Nautilus Core can be the one-stop solution for all of your Tezos node needs!

