Starting with SmartPy Part 3: Testing Patterns and Analytics

Verifying Smart Contract Behavior and Security

Teckhua Chiang
The Cryptonomic Aperiodical
3 min readAug 16, 2019


Writing a smart contract is half the battle, but now we have to perform thorough testing to ensure that our work performs correctly and securely. Usually, this would entail deploying our experimental contract to a testnet and repeatedly invoking the contract to test for unexpected behavior, which is a tiring and time-consuming process. SmartPy’s online editor relieves us from the majority of this burden with its built-in simulation suite, which enables local contract invocations and automatic assertion verification.

Just like the basic test we wrote in Part 1, we begin defining a SmartPy test with the annotation @addTest() and the method header def test(). Note that test names cannot have spaces. The testScenario object includes functionality to render HTML to make the test output presentable.

We can start building our HTML output by creating a header element with h1("Event Planner"). Then, we initialize firstOwner and secondOwner to be of type address with the sp.address() constructor for later use. Calling EventPlanner(firstOwner) will create an instance of the EventPlanner contract with firstOwner as the owner. We transform the contract into HTML with scenario += c1.

The next step is to invoke the various entry points of the EventPlanner in order to verify that it functions correctly. We can print the name of a specific invocation by adding the result of h2(). An invocation is denoted by an expression of the form <contract>.<entryPoint>(<paramsField1> = <val1>, <paramsField2> = <val2>, <...>).run(sender = <address>), which will invoke the entryPoint of contract with params encapsulating the fields paramsField1, paramsField2, … representing the values val1, val2, … respectively. run(sender = <address>) will set the sp.sender to the given address, and turn the invocation details into HTML.

Finally, we can perform automatic verification of the expected end state of the EventPlanner after testing with scenario.verify() statements. SmartPy will infer types for numerics and dates. When working with addresses, a special syntax must be followed, as shown by the comparison statement ( == sp.address('tz1-secondOwner-address-5678').

We’re completed our exploration of the SmartPy simulation suite! Here is the full EventPlanner test for your reference:

Here’s the full contract, with tests pre-loaded in the IDE.

