New ETF Deadline 5th Nov. / Binance To Reveal Listing Fees

The Cryptoverse
Published in
6 min readOct 9, 2018

Chris Coney’s ‘The Cryptoverse’ crypto podcast curation by CrowdConscious.

On Today’s Episode of The Cryptoverse…

Here are Chris’ top 8 crypto news stories of the day including the imminent launch of a Bitcoin sidechain that has the potential to take away all of Ethereum’s competitive advantages.

Watch the episode right here in the article!

Episode Transcript, Notes & Links

Thoughts On The Next Crypto Bull Market

It won’t likely happen the way you think. It won’t suddenly explode.

More likely it will rally up, break resistance and do that a few times.

It will be gradual enough that most people who have lost interest in crypto won’t be paying attention when it happens.

The masses were only attracted when the growth was explosive and they have largely lost interest because everything is now flat.

That’s when we need to be paying THE MOST attention because like I often say “once you see the move happening, it’s too late”.

So the pattern will look a lot like the 2nd half of 2017 which I can show you…

See how far Bitcoin rallied before it got mainstream attention. Once it did though, it went parabolic.

My strategy is to get into position now before the pre-rally begins and then when it goes parabolic, that’s my sell signal.

I offer that to you, do with it what you wish.

As A Registered Brave Publisher, I Have Just Received A Payout

I received an email from Uphold letting me know that 241 BAT has been sent to my account. This is about $41.

I just wanted to say thank you to all those people using the Brave browser to block ads, but who are also willing to make up for it with automated tips through the browser wallet.

But the feature we really want, the one that we have been waiting for since BAT was first announced is where you get the option to turn ads on in exchange for being paid BATs.

I already have a version of that with my get paid crypto to watch the show scheme, however I think mine is better since you get paid to watch the show without ads.

Remember to checkout to learn more.

And speaking of the Brave browser…

Brave Browser Hits 4.6 Million Monthly Active Users

Why does this matter? Well because when Brave ads does finally launch, advertisers will have to buy Basic Attention Token (BAT) in order to pay for their advertising campaigns.

That’s the money that gets shared with the users who opt to turn ads on.

The more users there are using the Brave browser, the more attractive Brave ads will be and the more demand there will be for buying BAT, which would normally mean an increase in the price of the token.

However, there is a counter balance in the form of the users earning BAT, selling them in order to cash in their rewards for watching ads.

We won’t really know how the economics will work out until it goes live, but I’m really looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

UAE Securities Regulator to Introduce ICOs for Capital Markets in 2019

This story is more of a heads up about what’s coming next year more than an actual announcement.

It says the national securities watch has approved considering ICOs as securities.

Which is weird, because that basically means they have been given permission to start considering it.

What’s the alternative? “No, you’re not allowed to even consider it?”

The twilight zone known as regulation.

Mischief-Maker Promises to Livestream a 51% Altcoin Attack

The target in question is Einsteinium which has the ticker symbol EMC2.

The attacker plans to rent hashpower, which anyone can do on, and then demonstrate how easy it is to attack these smaller altcoins by livestreaming it on Twitch.

The show is planned for the 13th of October.

We are in an era now where launching your own proof of work blockchain has to come with some really strong reasons vs building your project on an established chain.

Venezuelan Citizens Don’t Seem Too Eager To Use The Patro As Bitcoin Trading Volume Hits An All Time High volume hit 1,073 BTC for the week, the highest since records began.

This seems like a bit of a coincidence given that the national cryptocurrency the Petro is due to be relaunched at the beginning of November.

This is when I most delighted in cryptocurrencies.

The Internet is like a nation of it’s own, it has a population, an economy, people work there, and now with Bitcoin it has it’s own currency.

Venezuela is ahead just one country to flee the oppression of it’s government, but they will inevitably be joined by each country in due course as their own governments overstep the mark.

UK Telecoms Regulator Receives Grant to Deploy Blockchain for Telephone Number Management

So basically the UK Office Of Communication has received a £700,000 grant from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to explore blockchain technology as a means to manage millions of telephone numbers.

Organizing telephone numbers into one database has failed on all previous attempts due to cost and the difficulty getting everyone to collaborate.

Blockchain technology is the solution to both of those problems.

So this is fantastic news right? No, not exactly.

The chances of them opting to build this system on any one of the public blockchains we have invested in is slim to none.

It’s a government agency so they are not going to want to give up that much control to the free market.

I’d love it if they opted to use EOS (eosio) or something but I find that unlikely. Time will tell.

Bitcoin’s Sidechains May Soon Support Smart Contracts and Allow Firms to Launch ICOs

This gives me the opportunity to talk about RootStock again.

I read the Rootstock whitepaper 2 years ago and have been eagerly awaiting it’s launch ever since.

RootStock is a Bitcoin sidechain that will allow Ethereum style applications to to built and to make use of the Bitcoin currency.

Basically you lock up a Bitcoin on the main blockchain to mint a ‘Smart Bitcoin’ on the Rootstock network.

That Smart Bitcoin can do all the complex things Ethereum can do and when you are done, you destroy the Smart Bitcoin and unlock your original BTC on the Bitcoin mainnet.

And get this, Rootstock smart contracts are written in Solidity, the exact same programming language used to build Ethereum apps.

But there’s more, Rootstock uses merge mining meaning it’s secured by exactly the same mining power as the Bitcoin mainnet.

And there’s more still, Rootstock promises thousands of transactions per second on the sidechain.

So basically, if Rootstock delivers on it’s promises, it takes away all of Ethereum’s competitive advantages.

The Rootstock mainnet is live now and in final beta testing and we are so close that this article even reveals that this company TEMCO are planning to launch it’s ICO on Bitcoin using Rootstock.

Exciting times for Bitcoin holders.

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Bitcoin: 3Fo7Uri2R4MLBbZZ3Ja1ryiXnto8BfqFL1

Bitcoin Cash: qqjjyt543y0untmq6w5em6h82u60kcaqpywxm7x75w

Ethereum: 0x0de0E11E0812982652AB68F903643b0cddD4C0a8

Dash: XbrDZbmqUvUUYsPnj8eSLTLqccXe6QvGoz

DigiByte: DBGFU3KLBiLHa6ZfeorxzfeYaA76Joa36B

LiteCoin: LKLvp8owSjqbNRo3iT2fwgzCF6XBZVC4ig

NEO: AYpGCzgWsZvR6f3fvfDKKkbcCKU1KFU8kd

EOS: chrisjsconey


Sources for this story are linked throughout the article.



The Cryptoverse

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