5 Reasons Why Watch_Dogs 2 Will Be Better Than Watch_Dogs

Fraser Porter
4 min readJun 13, 2016


Ubisoft recently announced the upcoming sequel to the 2014 game Watch_Dogs. Releasing November 15th 2016 Watch_Dogs 2 takes players to San Francisco and will immerse the player in a new story and setting which will improve upon the foundations of the first game. This week I look at 5 reasons why Watch_Dogs 2 will be better than Watch_Dogs.

1. New Protagonist:

In Watch_Dogs 2 you play as Marcus Holloway. This is a man who is isolated from society for a crime he did not commit so he turned to a life of hacktivism to combat CTOs2 and the corrupt system. The character of Marcus looks fun and interesting compared to the drab Aiden Pierce of the first game. Where Aiden was monotone and plain, Marcus looks to be Vibrant and unique. Gone is the long flowing coat and depressing clothes in it’s place a very hipster look that gives of a very 2016 vibe. It will be interesting to see if Ubisoft can deliver on creating a better protagonist but straight off you can see Marcus already has more personality than Aiden had in a full game.

2. New Setting:

Set in the sunny city of San Francisco, Watch_Dogs 2 already shows that it has more personality than the first game. Comparing the cold and gloomy Chicago (it is nicknamed the Windy City after all) to the vibrant and brimming with life San Francisco is like heads and tails, the contrast is massive. With new locales to explore that range from beaches, crowded city streets and massive metropolitan areas Watch_Dogs 2 gives the player a much more exciting and diverse city to explore than the original game. The City will be full of life and hacking opportunities, it’s a good thing Ubisoft has moved into a bright new setting befitting of it’s new protagonist.

3. The Gameplay:

Like the original Watch_Dogs the gameplay will be similar however that was not really an issue with the first game. What Ubisoft has done though has improved on the groundwork they laid back in 2014, Hacking seems to be endless in Watch_Dogs 2 with new opportunities and abilities to use your hacking skills. Everything in the game world seems to be hackable. Your hand to hand combat has also been improved putting a much bigger emphasis on speed and in the moment weapon customization. Ubisoft are introducing a new parkour mechanic to allow for more free flowing movement and give the players more control over Marcus, you will be able to climb, run and leap over obstacles to allow for more unique experiences in the world of Watch_Dogs 2. This gives players more verticality to work with and gives players new ways to experience the game. Marcus’ weapon of choice is a billiard ball attached to a rope which will allow for some fantastic melee combat. Ubisoft has also added Shooting from vehicles to allow for more free flowing action, this alongside improved driving will make the game a more memorable and fun experience.

4. Multiplayer:

New to the franchise is seamless co-op mulitplayer which will expand upon what was present in the first game, you will be able to approach random players and form a group with them and start a co-op setting where you will be free to roam the world, perform missions and to wreck havoc in the Bay area.

5. It isn't forced to live up to its own hype:

The original Watch_Dogs struggled to live up to its own hype; as the first “Next-Gen” video game we saw back in 2012 we were all immediately captivated by this game. When it launched in 2014 people were disappointed due to graphical downgrades and it not living up to the massive hype both Ubisoft and the fans had created around it. The sequel does not have unprecedented amounts of hype surrounding it so it is able to give it its all without it coming across as a disappointment, hopefully the game lives up to expectations but the fans need to understand to not hype it up so that it cannot meet our own expectations.

Watch_Dogs 2 releases on November 15th 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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(This article will be updated if Ubisoft announce more features at the Ubisoft Press Conference tonight)



Fraser Porter

21 year old from Scotland; writing about Video games and basically whatever interests me! Follow me on Twitter @TheFraserPorter