Lethal League Review

Zack Hage
3 min readJun 26, 2017


With my consistent reviews, I’ve been keeping track of the over-saturation on the Playstation 4 marketplace, seeing mobile ports, wonky RPGS, and a whole lot more. However, one genre, coop fighters has recently slowed down, making me hungry for whatever adventure I might have with them. Here comes Lethal League, a game with a lot of history behind it, with its first original release being from 2014. Does it tend to be too aged, or does its proficiency surpass time?


Lethal League has a pretty funny gameplay premise, so that means it already gets points from me. The main goal consists of hitting a baseball at opponents, with aiming and damage being core components to winning. But, better yet, this ingenuity doubles when you keep playing. The game is one that’s easy to play, but hard to master, leading to common instance of close matches.

Story & Design:

Lethal League may seem less exhilarating when you notice the lack of content when compared to other coop games, but in some respects its redeemed. For example, the small cast of characters are all fun to play as, and they are all balanced even with different abilities. The online is also set up pretty well, although locally, there could be mode variation.

Presentation/ Visuals & Audio:

Lethal League’s overall presentation is nice enough, but its the music where the game really kicks it up a notch. It adds a catchy intensity to the gameplay, and doesn’t consist of looping tracks you’ll want to turn off after five minutes. Overall, its a very welcome addition to an otherwise serviceable product.


I’m aggravated I wasn’t aware of Lethal League before-hand, because of how fun it is. The game is one of the most recent examples of how to get a wacky idea and do it right, always keeping balanced gameplay, great mechanics, and smooth presentation in check. Dear Lethal League devs, ya’ll killed it.

Lethal League gets a 8/10 (Very Good)

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