The Movies in the MCU, ranked. All 13 so far

Mitch Hill
The Cubicle
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2016

Comic Book movies have blown up. They’re everywhere. But let’s be honest, Marvel and The MCU are MILES ahead of DC Comics (The only exception to this statement is The Dark Knight, because that movie changed lives, RIP Heath). There have been 13 installments in the MCU from 2008–2016. And here’s how they rank (Starting where Drake did, at the bottom).

Credit: ComicVine/GameSpot

13) The Incredible Hulk (2008) — BOOOOOOOOOOO. The Actor playing “The Hulk” did not continue in the Universe. While Ed Norton is a very good actor, I am a big fan of Mark Ruffalo for The Hulk. This movie does not really help the Universe at all, other than at the end when Tony Stark comes in and says he’s “forming a team.” So, moving on, this movie is the worst.

12) Iron Man 2 (2010) — Iron Man is easily my favorite character in the MCU and ranking this movie second to last hurts me. But man this movie was terrible. The only things I really remember from this movie is Tony Stark is drinking a Dr. Pepper while trying to figure out how to create a new element, he continues to drive really cool cars, and it’s really just a big movie about Iron Man not being Iron Man.

11) Thor: The Dark World (2013) — Not much to be said about this one. Natalie Portman is in the MCU again. So that’s cool, I guess. Number 11 for you Thor 2!


10) Ant-Man (2015) — Really cool movie, but really doesn’t do a lot for me and is another reminder that some movies cannot get the big time actors in the MCU to appear in their movies by only showing “Falcon” and merely referencing Captain America. And you could see that Evangeline Lilly was going to become “Wasp” from a mile away.

9) Iron Man 3 (2013) — The part that really ruined this movie for me was when Pepper Potts became one of the People who overheat, turn orange, and have super strength. Iron Man, once again, not being Iron Man. But the kid was a nice touch.


8) Thor (2011) — Thor is cool, don’t get me wrong. And when Thor says “This drink, I like it. ANOTHER!” (Followed by a glass slam) has to be one of my favorite lines in the MCU, but the movie itself dragged. BUT, Thor: Ragnarok WILL be the best of the Thor Trilogy. That’s a guarantee.

7) Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) — I have to make some difficult decisions here. Captain America, good movie, but there are 6 more in the MCU that are better.

6) Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015) — Really liked the Hawkeye story in this movie and the introduction of Vision and Scarlet Witch. But Ultron was just not a great villain and the story was just weird at times. It was “The Twins hate Tony Stark, oh but now they like him so we’ll fight Ultron for you.” Also, come on Joss, the whole thing was just a revamp of that one Buffy episode. The second movie is always tough, all things considered, and after The Winter Soldier destroyed SHIELD for you, not a ton to work with. So, Bravo.


5) Iron Man (2008) — This movie kicked off the whole MCU, Robert Downey Jr. is the real life Iron Man, we got a lot of Iron Man in this movie, and it just really brought back my love and obsession for Marvel. Thank you.


4) Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) — I was never bored at anytime during this movie. Cap’s suit was badass, everything about Black Widow was badass, Falcon did his thing, Hydra was still around, and we saw what was under Nick Fury’s eye patch. I would say that’s a successful movie in the MCU, wouldn’t you?

3) Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) — First off, no shit it’s Marvel’s. I’ve always hated that part of the title. But I personally enjoyed how everyone had a good amount of screentime. Most importantly, it wasn’t a let down at all. If anything it exceeded my expectations. Loki is a really cool villain for the whole MCU to go against because he’s just evil, and can gain the upper hand on all of the Avengers, not just Thor. I still don’t understand what Hulk’s secret about always being angry means, but alas, number 3 on this list.

2) Captain America: Civil War (2016) — Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy did I like this movie. Black Panther - Oscar worthy. Spider-Man - Finally not going to be a failure. Iron Man Vs. Cap. What more can we want? Great movie, I would say the best movie in the series, but there’s just ONE movie standing in its way…


1) Guardians of the Galaxy. What is there not to love about this movie? Chris Pratt could not have been better. The Soundtrack is one of the best Soundtracks in any movie, ever. It also proved that Marvel is so powerful now that they can take dull comics still in their possession and convince everyone it’s the best thing out there. I love this movie. Some would even say it’s Groot. And it is the Number 1 movie in the MCU. Come at me if you think otherwise.

Credit: Marvel.Com

All in all, the MCU is one of the best universes to be in. There’s endless fun and it seems like endless movies. DC, do better. Follow me on Twitter @MizHill_ and be sure to give the Cubicle a follow on Twitter as well: @CubicleOfficial. And throw old Ben Boeding a follow while you’re at it.



Mitch Hill
The Cubicle

Social Media Specialist @ZRGMarketing. Tweets about the @OKCThunder are not always level headed. Co-Founder for @CubicleOfficial. Contributor for @HashSports_.