Michon Neal
The Cuilverse
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2015


Others — Scaroth Vampires

Instead of Valentine’s Day, I like to celebrate Lovers and Others Day. Still, that doesn’t mean I can’t write romance.

Introducing the most romantic creatures in the cuilverse: scaroth vampires.

Excerpt from You Don’t Belong: “There exists in the cuilverse a number of different races of vampire. In Stuart’s universe there was only one kind: scaroth. All the other races had died off. The scaroth vampires in The Black Tree series all reside on Jupiter after fleeing the Earth during The Cull (an apocalypse, what else do you really need to know about that). They all had red hair and green eyes, possessed super speed, and had specializations designated by whatever name they were given. Stuarts were stewards, Jeffs were polished and very often served as butlers, and Greggs were Olympic-level sportsmen. Ah, that’s the other thing about vampires in The Black Tree universe: they were all male. Vampirism could only be passed along to males and every child of a vampire was born male unless whatever species they were copulating with had reproductive control over which sex they birthed (which I’m not getting into right now).

Normally, scaroth vampires didn’t need sleep but sometimes they could drift off if they really wanted to or if they had something to help them. Scaroth vampires in other universes were somewhat similar but also markedly different. For instance, scaroth vampire kisses heal in Stuart’s universe. In Allison Dutch’s universe, where Jean came from, only a handful of scaroths could do it. In Jean’s universe, most scaroths could…



Michon Neal
The Cuilverse

Writer. Lover of the cosmos, books, nature, and anime. Deals with disabilities of the physical kind. Creates ways of healing and learning.