Cult of Fools Weekly (Apr 28, 2024) — “SCOTUS and the Immunity Case”

David Gamble
The Cult of Fools
Published in
12 min readApr 28, 2024


MAGA pastor Shane Vaughn held an impromptu prayer session in his car on Thursday to ask God to send angels into the Supreme Court to give former President Donald Trump a victory in his presidential immunity case. What actually happened was not “victory”, and was in many ways a surprise.

The bar of expectations had already been set low, very very low, and yet the Republican justices managed to limbo dance right under it. Under normal circumstances the utterly insane arguments presented by Trump’s lawyers should have resulted in his case going down in flames 9–0, but these are not normal times, because we have a SCOTUS that has bought and paid for.

Elie Mystal, justice correspondent at The Nation expresses wholly appropriate deep shock in a manner that sums it up rather well for many …

The rather interesting twist here, one that the justices might not have fully grasped, is their “logic” Trump could also take out Supreme Court Justices.



David Gamble
The Cult of Fools

Blogger and writer with a keen interest in science, skepticism, critical thinking, and many other weird and whacky topics.