Cult of Fools Weekly (May 19, 2024) — “Republicans threaten International Criminal Court Judges and their Families”

David Gamble
The Cult of Fools
Published in
13 min readMay 19, 2024


Did some Republicans really threaten the official judges of the International Criminal Court and also their immediate families?

Yep, and it was not an off-the-cuff remark, but instead was an official statement signed by multiple elected Republican Officials.


OK, let’s get into the backstory of this latest lunacy.

We have also seen similar lunacy right here. There was a recent commenter who labeled me antisemitic the other week for pointing out that what Israel is doing in Gaza is genocide. The real issue is this. His argument is actually with the facts presented to the International Court of Justice and their current legal judgement that what is going on in Gaza is Genocide. That is an international legal fact and not just my opinion.

Israeli forces have now killed over 35,000 Palestinians and 70% of those are women and children.

The ICC is close to issuing an official Netanyahu arrest warrant for war crimes.

The spotlight headline here is that the response to the ICC judgement consisted of both US and Israeli officials threatening to retaliate against the International Criminal Court (ICC), its…



David Gamble
The Cult of Fools

Blogger and writer with a keen interest in science, skepticism, critical thinking, and many other weird and whacky topics.