The Cult of Fools — “Mike Lindell teams up with Jim Bakker” — Sep 19, 2021

David Gamble
The Cult of Fools
Published in
9 min readSep 19, 2021


Starting last Tuesday, Mike Lindell, (A.K.A Mr Pillow), teamed up with TV Grifter Jim Bakker for a 3-day telethon structured to sell lots of pillows to the gullible.

The televangelist complained that “the enemy” had seized his bank accounts. He said that he needed the public to buy Lindell’s Bible-themed pillows “just to stay alive.”

Translation: Bakker was impacted financially for selling fake COVID cures and now needs to grift extra hard.

That telethon was a cue for lots of conspiracy claims on the Bakker show, all carefully crafted to trigger sales.

Regular Reminder: Jim Bakker is a fraudster who wears a religious mask. That’s not a slur, it’s a legal fact. He spent many years in jail for mail fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy. He is a truly odious individual who has also in the past been accused of drugging and then raping 21 year old church secretary Jessica Hahn, then used $279,000 of church donations to pay her off.

As for why Mike is popping up with Jim Bakker, I can only speculate that it just might be due to him no longer being able to advertise on Fox News …



David Gamble
The Cult of Fools

Blogger and writer with a keen interest in science, skepticism, critical thinking, and many other weird and whacky topics.