How to Completely Lose Yourself in Your Own Symbolism: The Importance of Subtlety

A review for Netflix’s El Hoyo (The Platform)

Austin Rod
The Culture Corner
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2020


No plot-specific spoilers, just my feelings on various elements including the ending. Very strong parental warning with this film. Leave the kids at home or wherever is safe that's not the room you are watching this film in during quarantine.

I don’t know why, but ever since I read Lord of the Flies as a kid, I’ve been fascinated with what people are like when really pushed to the edge of survival.

From the first second of the film, I was riveted by the interesting world and the rules that are provided. I hung on each word of the first roommate as he explained tiny facts about “el Hoyo.” How many floors? How does the food system work? Why is each person here?

However, as the plot progresses and more characters are introduced, it is very clear that they are all subservient to some greater message about modern society. I would spend more time thinking about what each line or rule was trying to tell me than actually thinking or even enjoying the film itself.

One of the reasons subtlety is so important, especially when it comes from this type of “genre”, is that you can actually enjoy the film in the first view. You can connect with…



Austin Rod
The Culture Corner

Welcome to my mind. Let me know when you find a way out. Writer, Filmmaker, and Animator. Future Death Game Creator