Social Distancing: How To Beat Boredom

Discover new types of entertainment to pass the time

Andre Moncayo
The Culture Corner
6 min readApr 13, 2020


Social distancing has many of us staying home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We don’t know what to do with ourselves so we pass the time by catching up on shows or by working remotely if we can.

But what do you do when you’re done working? What if you’re tired of watching shows? Well I have great news! There are tons of things you can do to pass the time and it all comes down to hobbies. Discover new activities that can help destroy boredom.

Below are some hobbies you can explore!

Remember, you need to try it to know if you’ll like it.

Video Games

Video games will be the best time-waster you have. There are thousands of games you can play and several different genres that you can choose from. Action, adventure, strategy, sports, racing, indie, first-person, third-person and role playing games are just some of the avenues you can explore.

Unfortunately, most people that don’t regularly play video games think they’re all about senseless violence or sports. What they don’t realize is that each game is different from the next containing profound stories that are completely unique.

Video games can be heavily story-driven with emphasis on characters, plot, drama, and adventure. Like the movies and shows you normally watch, some people like horror, others like fantasy and some like science-fiction. The same applies to video games and all the other items on this list.

Just because you don’t like Call of Duty doesn’t mean you won’t like Animal Crossing. You might love big open worlds fighting zombies or small-scale stories created by indie developers. The choices are numerous and there’s plenty to choose from. Try a little bit of everything and see what you like.

Additionally, don’t just pick any game because it looks cool. Do some research and read reviews so you can make an informed decision and avoid wasting money on a game you don’t like. I would consider using Metacritic to read reviews so you can analyze multiple viewpoints.

If you’re just starting out, I would suggest playing indie games first. They are normally under $25 and shorter than the average AAA game.

Finally, if you don’t have a console or gaming computer, that’s okay! Phone games have been exploding in popularity, but be careful what you play. Some of these games implement pay-to-win mechanics or require real money to make progress. Again, do your research and be a knowledgeable consumer.

Comic Books

Reading comics is a hobby many people seem to be afraid of starting because they don’t know where to begin. The barrier to entry is high and the cover price can be expensive. With so many stories to choose from and issues to read, it can be scary.

But don’t worry; comic books are similar to movies! You know what genres you enjoy watching so simply look for a comic that fits what you’re already interested in.

Regarding price, a trade paperback can range from $15 to $30 depending on the publisher and a single issue can range from $4 to $5.

To get a significant discount, you can get physical comics for 42% off the cover price or more at InStockTrades. You can also get digital comics that go on sale everyday on the Comixology website and their app. They frequently have 70% to 90% off deals.

Check out the list below for stories that may interest you.


First time readers interested in this genre should start with DC Comics because the New 52 (2011) is a great entry point. It’s incredibly easy to follow and reintroduces heroes at the beginning of each story through organic dialogue. Some basic research might be required if there’s a character you don’t recognize.

For example, you might want to Google search why Batman has a son or read the comic that introduces him. The first series I read that started my addiction was Geoff Johns Aquaman and I knew nothing about his backstory.

Read: Batman, Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Aquaman, Batwoman


If you’re a horror fan looking for a new medium to give you nightmares, comics are the way to go. Horror comics are perfect for artists to run wild with their terrifying creations. They can get as creative as they want without a budget holding them back. Some of the best comics are already on TV, but sometimes stray from the original source material just enough to feel like a different experience. So go ahead and read The Walking Dead comics if you already saw the show.

For example, The Walking Dead killed off characters on the show that are still alive in the comics. Preacher starts as a prequel to the comics in season 1. Locke & Key on Netflix is a lot less violent and Lovecraftian than its comic book counterpart, yet is still a great show. The first horror comic I read was Wytches back in 2016 and I’m dying for a sequel!

Read: Locke & Key, Preacher, The Walking Dead, Wytches, Gideon Falls, Ice Cream Man


Laugh out loud with genuinely hilarious comics. There are few times I can honestly say a book has made me laugh, but the 5 comics I listed below broke me every time. These stories are cleverly written and I applaud the writers for having the magical ability of writing unique jokes every issue. If you have a single funny bone in your body, please do yourself a favor and read these comics.

Read: Deadpool, Scott Pilgrim, Unbelievable Gwenpool, One Punch Man, Invader Zim

Science Fiction

If you love Star Wars, Blade Runner or Stranger Things, then you’re in the right place. Futuristic technology and unexplained phenomena are topics many enjoy reading about. The human mind can create fantastical worlds that would take us hundreds of years to build. So artists and writers create these worlds in comics. Whether it’s a technologically advanced civilization, a post-apocalyptic dystopian future or a supernatural entity hellbent on consuming the concept of time, there’s a comic for that.

Read: Saga, East of West, Descender, Paper Girls, Y: The Last Man


Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons and Game of Thrones. Different flavors of fantasy incorporated into different comic book stories. Discover epic tales of heroes conquering all obstacles in their path and the struggle to fight for what’s right. Or tales that borrow from folklore and urban legends. Die and Rat Queens use the concept of Dungeons & Dragons as a storytelling tool, while Klaus and Fables use Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters as the story focus. Monstress has essentially created its own fantasy world with magic and monsters. Lady Mechanika puts emphasis on a steampunk world mixed with paranormal investigations. Check them out and see what you like.

Read: Die!, Rat Queens, Monstress, Klaus, Fables


Anime is a unique beast with stories that no one would have thought about in a million years, except for the magnificent creators in Japan. Hayao Miyazaki, Shinichirō Watanabe and Hideaki Anno are legendary creators of some of the greatest and most well-known anime of all time. Their works include Spirited Away, Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion. These are names you will become very familiar with during your anime journey.

If for some reason you have not watched a single show during the current anime renaissance, here’s a blog I wrote with a list of must-watch anime that are perfect for beginners: 10 Anime Guaranteed To Make Your Friends Addicted

Where To Watch

Visit Netflix and you’ll find hundreds of anime hitting on every genre in the book. Streaming services are buying up as much as they can due to its influx in popularity. Go to practically any streaming site and you’ll find plenty to watch. Crunchyroll is a site 100% dedicated to streaming anime with the most amount of shows you could ever watch until the end of time.

If you want to watch something different but you’re not sure if it’s good, I’d suggest going to Each series has thousands of reviews! You can glance at the average score and read the top reviews to get a general idea of how good it is. Based on my experience, the site is full of users willing to help you with any questions you have. Introduce yourself to the MAL community and expect plenty of responses.


There are plenty of new hobbies you can explore to prevent boredom during your quarantine. The list above is just a few you can try out. You might like some or dislike others, but at least you tried.

Let me know in the comments if you liked any of these hobbies.

Have fun and please stay safe out there!



Andre Moncayo
The Culture Corner

Film, TV, Comic Book, Anime, and Video Game Enthusiast.