Introducing The New Publication "The Culture Current”

Where Politics meets Culture

Dante R.A.
The Culture Current
2 min readAug 1, 2023


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Now that I am trying to make take writing seriously I think its about time I made my own publication on Medium. I never really liked the idea of editing or making my own Youtube videos. I always felt more comfortable writing blogs behind a keyboard, rather than talking in front of a mic and camera. And now that I’m nearing 200 followers I think its time I started to build my brand.

What is The Culture Current?

The Culture Current is a brand name I came up with that really stuck. It perfectly captures what I’m trying to get out of my articles when I write them. The famous quote, “Politics is downstream from culture,” is the driving moto of the publication. In order to change politics we first must change culture. And although one person can’t change culture alone, they can certainly contribute to it and try to make change they would like to see.

The Culture Current shouldn’t just be seen as a news and politics only kind of place. Anything that is interesting and has some sort of cultural significance can be uploaded here. Whether it be video game news or articles to pop culture and celebrity drama. As long as it meets my standards I would love to see it on The Culture Current.

I want YOU to write for us!

In my opinion I think all voices should be heard on the public stage. So it doesn’t matter to me if your left, right, or center. If you want to write for us and you have high quality articles you want to share. Then go ahead and submit them here. I won’t be biased even if I disagree with your hot take.

Remember there are limits to what is appropriate not only on Medium but also my publication. So don’t go saying slurs or doing other bad things in the articles you submit to here. Other than that most other content is allowed.

I can’t wait to see this publication grow and contribute to it. Please share to anyone who is interested. And if you have any questions please write them in the comments and I will try to respond to them. Thank you for being interested and I’ll hopefully see some of you real soon.



Dante R.A.
The Culture Current

Some say culture is downstream from politics. Well, I'm going to write about both. From World Politics to video games and other nerd culture, all are here.