Marketing Needs to Start Again and Build Trust

In a world of doubt, how do you ensure that your message gets across?

Ben Shelley
The Cure is you


Photo by Yasin Yusuf on Unsplash

It is safe to say that Marketing can have a strained relationship with the world. As a profession, we are looking to convince potential customers to invest in what we are selling. We can be seen as ‘Snakeoil salesmen’, looking to con people, when that is not true. At least for me, it is not.

The pandemic forced many businesses to take a ‘hard left’. Forced a major rethink and to cut back on investment, which left Marketers such as myself to rethink our strategies. The result of this being to take a step back and truly analyse why.

Always Start With Why

…why are we continuing to proceed down this road?

Why are we doing what we are doing if there is little response? Click through rates of less than 5% are deemed acceptable. In most other industries, this would be deemed unacceptable, with medicine being the most topical example to point to there.

It’s time to stop lying, spamming and feeling guilty about your work. It’s time to stop confusing social media metrics with true connections. It’s time to stop wasting money on stolen attention that will not pay off in the long run. It’s…



Ben Shelley
The Cure is you

Someone who has no idea about where their place is in this world, yet enjoys writing about books, education, entertainment and videogames