Sexism in the Car Lot

Yes, it’s still a thing

Wendy Scott
The Cure is you


Photo by Ildar Garifullin on Unsplash

Many people, usually men, tell me that sexism no longer exists. They say that women have equal rights, equal pay, and the pendulum is swinging too far in favor of women.

After I’ve counted to ten, tried to stop my head from exploding, and gathered enough control to answer rationally, I state my case.

We have equal rights but systemic discrimination in the workplace. We don’t have equal pay. And we face hundreds of microaggressions, put-downs, incorrect assumptions, and unwelcome comments every year.

Let’s look at one example.

What happens when women buy a car?

The old-fashioned car dealer patronizingly talking down to the little woman is a well-worn trope. Does it still represent what happens to women at car dealerships?

My experience at the weekend looking at second-hand cars with my partner answers that question with a resounding, “Hell, yes.”

The (near) death of a salesman

My partner and I both need a new car, so we decided to do some information gathering at the local car dealerships.

At the first car yard we visited, I explained to the salesman that we both want to buy a car. I told him that we had the same budget…



Wendy Scott
The Cure is you

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.