Submission Guidelines for The Cure

Gaby Spadaro
The Cure is you
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2021


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

What we publish

1- We look for non-fiction content, preferably with backup research

2- Content about the self that includes articles that will improve quality of life. Tips on being more productive, being happier, how to increase self-love, improve finance, improve health

3- Content about relationships that includes romantic relationships. Friendships, how to be more likable, tips to increase communication skills, and being more charismatic.

4- Content about spirituality this can include esoteric content such as astrology, universal laws, any ancient philosophy practices as stoics, Buddhism

5- Content about marketing and creativity How can we increase our creativity, psychology of marketing, what makes us buy certain things, psychological tips, insights on marketing

6- LGBTQ content stories help people accept their sexualities, stories about the LGBTQ movement, personal stories, stories of famous people in the LGBTQ community, etc.…

Submissions must follow Medium’s Rules, Ad-Free Policy, Content Guidelines, and Curation Guidelines.

Style Guideline

Title and subtitles: must be proper capitalized. You can use this tool to verify you capitalize correctly.



Gaby Spadaro
The Cure is you

I like to go deep into my thoughts and reflect on this giant puzzle we call life and write about it