Surround Yourself With Strong Friends Who Want To Win More Than You

Cal Axe
The Cure is you
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2021


Friends who won’t judge you

I’m a terrible friend in many ways.

I ignore group chats because, in my head, I’m above talking about last night’s hockey game. I forget birthdays when everyone remembers mine. I often turn down happy hours because I’d rather watch Netflix.

But I owe a lot to my friends. They’re a progressive, driven bunch. Each with an acute self-awareness and each intently focused on long-term goals.

I like to think some of that has rubbed off on me.

Your friends are your tribe and a powerful source of influence. Stick around your tribe long enough, and their habits and beliefs will mirror your habits and beliefs.

So If you want to reach your potential, it helps to surround yourself with friends who know what it takes to succeed.

Friends who want to win — perhaps more than you do.

Friends who know what it means to build something

Building anything meaningful begins with a courageous decision.

It begins with sacrificing immediate comforts for hard work. One of those comforts will probably be camaraderie with your friends.



Cal Axe
The Cure is you

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