The Brutal Truth That Can Set Us All Free to Pursue Our Dreams

Gaby Spadaro
The Cure is you
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2021


Photo by: RODNAE on Pexels

One day I spent roughly around 4 hours ruminating in my room, wondering what people would think if I created a youtube channel or wrote a book. I also spent fair amounts of time speculating about what people think if I didn’t achieve specific goals. Time passed, and it was already 4 hours gone thinking and doing nothing.

On top of that, I felt I was failing for procrastinating, but that didn’t stop me from navigating Instagram as a spy and stalk people I didn’t even know in person.

Then Friday came, and I had a party, but I thought the outfit I wanted to wear was risky to use. I didn’t want to be judged, so I left it in the wardrobe.

Do you see the pattern here?

Yes, I think you do. A girl who only cares what others think about her: a girl who wastes her precious time and energy on others’ opinions.

But then a realization comes; one day, she realizes the cruel truth of humanity: no one cares about you. No one cares about your dreams or your projects. Not to sound too cynical, but only a few will care, and your success will pass fast. Faster than you think.

And that’s the truth: no one cares what you are doing even if people pretend to care, and although this may sound a bit harsh, it’s a truth that sets you…



Gaby Spadaro
The Cure is you

I like to go deep into my thoughts and reflect on this giant puzzle we call life and write about it