Dear Pro-Hamas, Pro-terrorist Protesters — This Probably Isn’t Going to Work The Way You Think it will. — Gadsden

The Curia
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2024

You aren’t winning converts to your side. You aren’t intimidating anyone. You are making enemies.

Blocking I-5 in Seattle isn’t swaying anyone to your side. You blocked an ambulance with lights flashing — which one would assume was on a rather important errand.

You blocked people trying to go to and from work. You blocked people trying to go visit grandma. You blocked grandma from going to the pharmacy to get her prescription filled. You blocked police and fire from helping people in need.

You are of a piece with BLM protesters. You somehow think that setting fire to my city or neighborhood will entice me to vote in a way you like. You are wrong — the exact opposite will happen. No one — no politician that supports Hamas or BLM will ever get my vote. If I or a loved one of mine were in that ambulance that was blocked on I-5, I’d spend every last remaining day I had doing everything in my power to eliminate Hamas and “Palestine.”

You are breaking the law. You are attacking people that have no control over what you perceive as injustice — the people in those cars (and in that ambulance) on I-5 have NOTHING to do with your grievance. Nothing.

The first amendment does not allow you to violate the law. The right to peaceably assemble and petition the government does not extend to violating any law. You have no right to close a public highway.

To your credit, you picked a city and state that has no regard for the law or the well-being of its citizens. So, to some degree you will get away with this little terrorist act. Nice tactical move. But still a strategic blunder.

What “upside” do you think there is in all this? Hamas in particular and “Palestinians” generally have a very long and well documented history of terrorist acts around the world. Shutting down I-5 won’t change history. You are supporting terrorists.

And your “heroic” action in response to your “perceived injustice” is to stop granny from filling her insulin prescription. You must be so proud.


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Originally published at on January 7, 2024.



The Curia

Independent. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, politicians and judges might want to read it sometime.