What Happened to Mary Celeste?

The mysterious disappearance of the crew

L. Small


Marie Celeste

Things that happen on the high seas can happen out of the blue. Before setting sail, the captain, crew, and even anglers may have thought about all the things that could go wrong.

People often use the sea to trade with people in other parts of the world. There are risks, like bad weather that can cause big storms or technical problems that end up giving the sailors a sad story.

This is what you need to know about the mystery of Marie Celeste and the crew of the ship that went missing.

Marie Celeste’s Dark History

Some people might not know what the name Marie Celeste sounds like. But this name may sound familiar to people who know a lot about the history of shipping around the world.

The Marie Celeste is the name of a ship from New York that is 31 meters long and is used for trade. The Canadian ship was first called the Amazon. When it was sold to James H. Winchester, it got a new name: Marie Celeste. The ship’s captain, Benjamin Spooner Briggs, bought some of the ship’s shares and was then made captain of the 282-ton ship.

The bad thing that happened to the merchant ship Marie Celeste was not the first time something bad happened to it. When people used…



L. Small

"One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible" ~Genghis Khan~