Every opportunity to reflect is a worthwhile one.

It’s All a Blessing — All of It

Mel B
The Curious Mind
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019


I’m a person who tends to stay in my shell a lot where my deepest feelings are concerned. I talk to people, but I never open myself up more than I want to at the end of the day. Sometimes things happen. They happen when you least expect them, and sometimes, these things that happen don’t turn out the way you might hope, or the way it may seem they were meant to.

Sure, this can be very disappointing, but not too far beneath the surface of any disappointing experience is the lesson to be learned from it.

I don’t have the answer to why these things happen, and what it is that causes us to need these lessons. Maybe there’s something that we’re not seeing. Maybe we’re not always the ones who don’t see, and there’s something to be learned from that as well.

Whatever the case may be, it’s incredibly important to remember the most important thing — and it’s that this life is short. It’s so short. Each stage comes with a different perspective and opportunities to grow. I’m halfway through it, and I don’t remember when exactly I got here. I’m open to making improvements, though.

There are so many things that happen in life. Inevitabilities and events that are unavoidable. In a sense, we’re all doing our best to navigate these inevitable uncertainties and make our way through them the best we can. There’s no road map for any of this. No manual to tell us all how to cope. No absolute strategy for maintaining perfect happiness in all situations.

The important point to get at the end of the day, is that nothing is permanent. Nothing lasts forever in this life. That’s the only thing we really know for certain. In the end, we need to embrace each experience we have and take the best things out of them that we possibly can. We need to be open to learning about the nature of others — and even more importantly — the nature of ourselves. Different people will bring out different things in you, and vise versa. There is no one who has all the answers. No one who’s got it all figured out. No one.

We all go through these times and experiences, and we all have an opportunity to take whatever it is that we want out of these experiences. We can use them to hold us back or propel us forward. It’s never easy, but the braver we are in how we deal with things, the more we stand to gain.

I’ve had my share of experiences recently, and I wanted to share these words because I’ve continued coming up against roadblocks and difficult lessons for a while now, and although I hold myself responsible for my own choices in life, the message I’ve been meant to receive seemed to have been lost on me. I just haven’t been getting it. After a recent experience, I realized that perhaps I’m looking in the wrong direction altogether. I think that I’ve been taking comfort in situations that I know have no real chance of working out. Shutting out the right things, letting the wrong things in…who knows?

What I do know is that I’m ready to find out. Whatever that means.

I’ve never taken the easy road to anything in life. I generally tend to do things the hard way. Things always work out though and this time — I’m ready. I know I can’t change anyone else, but I’m armed with almost 40 years worth of experience, and a willingness to look within. I know the best is yet to come.

If this hits home with you, I’m glad. At the end of the day, if you’re being open, you always stand to gain. That much I know for sure. Take your own road, and make no apologies. The lessons are there if you’re willing to learn them.



Mel B
The Curious Mind

Writer. Free spirit. World traveler. Entrepreneur. Advocate for truth. Hip-Hop enthusiast. Believer in all things good.