A year in perspective

The Curious Potato
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2020

Tomorrow marks the last class of my law school.

A little more than a year ago today, when I made the decision to apply and to return back to graduate school for a second time, never would I have imagined what 2019–2020 would have given me. Never in my wildest dreams would have I imagined I would not only have grown knowledge wise, but also in all other aspects.

Did law school meet my expectations? Somewhat. It gave me the knowledge and the expansion that I wanted. But this decision was never made because i wanted to “move up”. I only wanted to upgrade my knowledge base and it was honestly something that intrigues me. I love learning. In fact, I already have my eyes set out on what next I want to learn.

But like one of my classmate said in our first months of school, “there’s something that I want to learn here, but I also think this will lead me to something that I would have never imagined”.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined as I returned back to graduate school again, I would also be returning both as a student and lecturer. I returned back to my Alma mater as a half mentor half lecturer. Am I proud of this accomplishment? Absolutely. Do I think a LLM had anything to do with this? Debatable, probably not. But did the LLM lead me to other opportunities? Absolutely.

If you had asked me earlier in 2019 what I thought the academic year would look like, I would have said busy with school and work, with ample sprinkling of hanging out with my best friend and the gym — because I told myself I wouldn’t get out of shape whilst in school, and even bought myself a home gym.

In reality, what did 2019–2020 look like? I probably regained my workout structure as much as I did in my early 20s when I had plenty of time. I met my goal of not being a couch potato. I even picked up and persuaded my best friend to religiously go to a rowing gym with me! We became more cultured, getting season passes to TSO, growing our hobbies and intellect more, and in general, adulting more.

The LLM also gave me more opportunities. As a student, I was able to apply to “student only” jobs. This included reviewing undergrad business school applications for the university, to finding a side gig at a start up to develop data for AI algorithms for neurodegenerative diseases.

If you had told me a year ago, “hey, do you think you’ll have time for a part time job whilst in school and having a full time”, I would have said that’s probably insane and I probably wouldn’t want that. I would have imagined law school would have kept my plenty busy. And in reality, I not only found a part time, but I also taught on the side, in addition to my regular full time, school, and new found hobbies and keeping my bff relationship alive.

As I looked back this year, I’m proud to say I didn’t sacrifice a single thing. Physically, I got stronger. Which was above and beyond the goal of not just becoming a fat couch potato. I built stronger relationships with my friends, a better and stronger knowledge base from school, grown my professional network more from teaching and reconnecting with my Alma mater, won an award, and even expanded my skill set with my part times.

As this chapter ends, I’m incredibly excited for what’s to come. For one, this upcoming school year will be different again. I’m not only a mentor-lecturer, but I’ve also been asked to lead a committee of mentor-lecturers. I’m excited for this and for what’s to come in the coming months! I’m incredibly proud of how far I’ve gotten in the past year, how much I’ve grown, and all of this at the age of 26/27.

In two years time, I’ll be reaching another milestone — turning 30. But for now, I’m definitely excited for what 28 will look like for me. I’m excited to see how much more I can do in 2020, and how much more before I turn 30!

If it’s anything this year has taught me, it’s how resilient our body is. How our body adapts to more and more, and how things just fall in place when you least expect it. I’m excited to see what the future holds and what things will come my way that I never once imagined.

