De-cluttering our minds

The Curious Potato
Published in
1 min readAug 7, 2019


Why we should all Marie Kondo our lives

De-cluttering is the best hack for your life.

When you de-clutter your space, there’s a lot more room. You also realize how much stuff you have and how many bottles of repeated items you own, and thus there’s no need to buy another item for a really long time.

When you de-clutter you mind you feel less stressed, a burden off of your shoulders, and sleep better. Your overall quality of improve improves.

The trick to de-cluttering your mind is you need to first identify what is triggering a clutter, and then act upon it. It might take time to de-clutter your mind (unlike a physical space which requires some light or heavy lifting), and it will take more steps and/or patience, but the results are greatly satisfying.

