Don’t waste my time

The Curious Potato
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2020

Don’t waste my time. As much as I am a patient and empathetic person, one of my biggest pet peeve and one that gets on my nerve is when I can smell you’re wasting my time.

Don’t waste my time when your timeline was a fail to begin with.

Don’t waste my time making me think it’s possible, but the resources devoted to it is exactly the same as another project that’s 3x longer.

Don’t waste my time when you were never going to be committed.

Don’t waste my time praising yourself you know what you’re doing, when you really don’t.

Don’t waste my time pretending you’re the best, when really you’re coming to me for help.

Don’t waste my time stringing me along, when you’re afraid to tell the truth.

Don’t waste my time with lies, I’ll notice it right away and I’ll call you out on it.

Don’t waste my time with not responding, just admit you need more time and I’ll give you space.

Don’t waste my time. Be honest and come forward. As much as you think you’re giving yourself space, think about the effort and time it takes on the other person. For them to remember to follow up, to think about you, to finish the tasks, to commit and devote time to something, to carve out time and effort for completion. It’s completely disrespectful to the person because it still takes effort on the other end, while you’re just stringing people along and dragging them into failure. A system that you designed to fail.

Admit when you’re in a hardship and people will understand and help. Help only comes when you ask for it, not when you hide it. I always answer ‘yes’ when someone asks me. I always think of solutions when someone tells me something is going wrong and don’t know what to do. I’m probably also the most empathetic, solutions creator, and decisive person you’ll ever meet. So don’t string me along into a system that was designed to fail, a project plan that doesn’t make sense, or a relationship that you’re timid to turn it into something bigger. Be honest, be truthful. The rest will come naturally.

As much as humans like to pretend they’re strong and hate to admit their failures and weaknesses, one of my strongest strengths is being able to read people and tell the truth from lies; being able to assess the situation quickly; flying a plane while building one; steering a plane while its in a frenzy. It’s easy for me to notice the flaws, but I’m also one that is the hardest grinder you’ll ever meet. I don’t fall onto my knees at the first sight of defeat. I see it as an opportunity and I’ll battle it until I win.

Admit your flaws and weaknesses and I’ll help. But don’t waste my time. It’s not only a waste of money, time, and resources, but it’s also completely disrespectful to the individual and situation.

