
The Curious Potato
Published in
1 min readJul 22, 2020

Humans are selfish creature. We intuitively and instinctively think about “I” as a default. If it’s anything that watching Netflix’s Indian Matchmaking taught me, is that the gift of thinking about “we” doesn’t come naturally. It takes time and it takes effort, and above all, it takes a certain maturity to reach that thinking.

It’s not always about you. It’s about we. Stop thinking how it impacts you. Starting thinking about how it impacts us.

One of my biggest pet peeves are selfish people. I seek selflessness and I seek that in those around me too. I hate it when people going “I, I, I, I, I”. I hate it because it’s selfish, I hate it because it shows you’re incapable of being empathetic and sympathetic. It’s proof that you’re not mature enough and you’re not equipped to put others in front of you, even when there’s a need. Above all that, it’s incredibly annoying when there’s an issue and these people are reluctant to change because it requires work on their end, and they’ll find any reason on this earth to try to negate that and to deflect that onto you.

