
The Curious Potato
Published in
1 min readMar 29, 2020

What’s the flip side?

Intimidation. There’s two way we see this:

  • When it’s someone you love → we see they’re intimidated
  • When it’s someone you hate → we see they’re hiding

Why? Why is it when someone is hesitant in doing something, we can have two different reactions? Is this our bias talking? I think it is. I think bias is an extremely powerful weapon that exists but we don’t see it being turned on or off.

Our bias is only ever turned on when we truly believe in something, and our emotions and beliefs are so strong that we don’t even see its our bias talking, not our judgment.

The next time someone is hesitating, and you think they’re hiding something, think again. What’s the flip side? There’s always two sides to an argument.

There’s a reason why when you go take your driving test that a failure to check blind spots is an automatic fail. It’s because this is extremely dangerous. This is why we should always check our blind spots — maybe this way we can catch when our bias is on or off.

