It’s you, not me.

The Curious Potato
Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2020

It’s you, not me = a blame game.

Before you say that, did you think about whether it’s truly them and not yourselves? Humans are selfish. Humans like to think they’re the best.

Everyone likes to think they’re correct and smarter and better than who’s in front of them. But before you say it’s you not me, have you truly thought about this thru, or is this your ego at play?

It’s you not me is a blame game because you’re blaming others for the issue instead of owning it up yourself. Owning up the issue has its benefits:

1) it gives you a chance to self reflect

2) it gives you a chance to self improve

3) it gives you a chance to figure out who is contributing to the issue, and the ability to pinpoint who is at fault and what can be improved here

In comparison, blaming only gives you one benefit – pushing the issue away – but reaps you plenty of cons:

1) the problem continues and exacerbates (you also force others to become a broken record because those that stay and flag it to you have to do it repeatedly)

2) you annoy others and probably push others away from you

3) it shows you’re immature and egotistic. You have an inability to self reflect and a lack of desire to self improve

