Life’s greatest leaps: Part 3 — The ledge

The Curious Potato
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2019

“Maybe we all just need a ledge to jump off before we test our wings.” — my favourite journal/blogger

There are only so many quotes that sticks in my head, and one of these special ones happens to be one that I read from my favourite journal/blogger:

“Maybe we all just need a ledge to jump off before we test our wings.”

Leaping is one the scariest things that I can do. I know of people who just do things because they are brave, they don’t think about the consequences, they just do it. But I’m not like that. I’m far from that. I like to weigh my pros and cons with each step that I take, I like to know what is step 2 before I take step 1. But sometimes, there are situations in life where I cannot do that. It’s a 0 or 1, yes or no, pass or fail. You either move forward or you don’t.

These are the situations where I really really wished I had a ledge to test out my wings before flocking. Like how I like to add bit by bit of dark soy to my soya sauce chicken before it becomes too too black. I guess this is why they say you don’t know what you’ve missed until you no longer have it anymore.

