Oh, the people you’ll meet!

The Curious Potato
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2020

The types of people you’ll meet. Are they nice, smart, funny, rude, or mean? Above all of these aforementioned descriptions, in my life, the types of people that I’ve met really fell into 3 categories:

  • The positives (e.g. nice)
  • The negatives (e.g. mean)
  • The fakes (e.g. those that approach you to “use” you)

The first two is pretty self explanatory. The third is referring to the people that comes into your life for something. It’s because befriending you they will receive some sort of benefit — e.g. because you’re efficient and you can help them finish their work faster, because they want a better grade in a course and you’re the smartest kid in the class, because you’re rich and they want to smooze off of you, etc.

You can argue that the third type is a subtype of the first two. You can be nice+fake and mean+fake, but I see this as a third category because this is the type of people you should be weary of. They hide their true colours, and those that excel in being a fake can also hurt you the most (but this doesn’t mean in every situation you will get hurt though). They’re the ones that you thought you could trust but in turn pushes you into under the bus. They’re the type that traumatizes you because you didn’t see it coming. They are ingenuine, they have a hidden agenda, and most importantly, they are malicious. They are selfish and approaches people only for the benefit of upgrading themselves. You never know their true colours until they’ve shown it.

It’s true that everyone has a selfish side and will have taken part in at least a few selfish acts throughout their life time. But, that doesn’t make you the third category. The fakes are those that consistently does it and knows they are doing it. They approach someone for the benefit of them, and they approach someone with that one goal — to get help from X, to benefit their own Y.

While the fakes can hurt you the most, but the irony is, they can also make you the most happy. They can make you the most happy, because in order to approach you and to be close to you enough to get what they want, they need you to trust them, which means to become close with them. They’re the type to make you comfortable and feel like they’re your best friend at hobby/work/school/whatever. But this is a double edge sword. Because those that are closest to you can hurt you the most.

