Running away

The Curious Potato
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2020

What a waste of your time and theirs.

Don’t. Run. Away.

When it’s fight or flight I know it’s a scary situation but if you’re given the opportunity to run away and you take it, it will haunt you forever.

Why do you ask? It’s because

  • If it actually required a skill and you were afraid of not having that skill — well guess out? You were granted the opportunity to actually work on and hone on that skill, so by running away you will still not have that skill. The next time this situation comes up again you will still be skill-less instead of being skillful.
  • If it is a mental barrier and you’re telling yourself “I can’t” — ask yourself why? Because you came all this way and you broken many barriers many times before, what’s different here? You only build confidence by breaking barriers — so you’re not doing yourself a favour on letting yourself grow. You’re holding yourself behind.
  • If it’s something that needs to be absolutely done — how will running away resolve this? You’re only delaying it and lying it yourself. When you come back it will still be there, still unresolved. You need to complete the task.
  • If it requires or includes someone else — how are you affecting them? Have you thought about how your actions are impacting them? Don’t be so selfish. Do what’s right and make the best situation for everyone. Be a hero and be selfless, do what’s better for the other person even if you’ll get less.

Stop running away. By running away you will only keep thinking “what if”, “can I”, “should I?” That’s the worst! What a waste of your time and theirs.

Just like a band-aid, rip it off quickly. Do what you need to do. It’s better for everyone. It’s still painful and you might lose a few hairs along the way, but the short pain will be worth it when you know it’s actually off and you never have to worry about it again. It’s like a tonne off your shoulders. And you won’t even notice or remember those few hairs that got waxed the next day.

