Street rat? No problem.

The Curious Potato
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2019


What rewatching Disney OGs like Aladdin and Lion King has taught me

Unknowingly, the movies that I loved and enjoyed so much as a little kid had an instrumental effect on me today. It changed me. It taught me how to be principled.

Disney has been pushing out a lot of remakes recently. I recently watched Aladdin, and now the Lion King is out too. As I watched Aladdin again in theatres, a movie that I’ve watched numerous times — along with the other Disney OGs like Mulan, Lion King, etc. . — the movie hit me harder than it did when I was little.

When I was young, I saw it as a good movie. It was fun, it was a musical, it was colourful, it was family time, or it meant you had a sub-teacher that day and there was no work to do. As an adult, it meant something more. It reminded me of life lessons. It didn’t hit me until now that Disney movies taught you life lessons; they are fables!! They teach you moral lessons so that you can be principled. It teaches you the right and wrong. Unknowingly, the movies that I loved and enjoyed so much as a little kid had an instrumental effect on me today. It changed me. It taught me how to be principled.

Conversely, when the Hunger Games came out, I watched the first movie and I didn’t watch any more. It wasn’t because I didn’t like the story line, but I stopped watching because I didn’t think it was a great “kids” movie. I thought it was too cruel. I thought it was too gruesome for kids, and I even asked my friends “why is this a kid’s movie? What are they trying to teach?” I had no idea at that time why I would think that and why it would strike such a nerve in me, but now I do. It’s because deep inside of me, the movies that I grew up with were fables, and I didn’t see the Hunger Games aligned with that. Intrinsically, I saw children’s movies as a 2-in-1: something that’s fun but also you can learn from it.

This is why Disney is the greatest children’s movie maker of all times — not only do they create cute cartoons and characters, but their storylines are second to none — they are a fable in itself.

