Your personal litmus test

The Curious Potato
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2020

Where you have high tolerance is also where you have your blind spots.

Everyone has a litmus test. This is your tolerance level for whatever situation you may be in.

The range and thresholds within your litmus test depends on your personal background, opinion, training, etc. We all have a litmus test but we also have varying levels of threshold. What’s unacceptable for me may be acceptable for someone else.

Always be mindful of this. Be more compassionate in the things where you have built up a tolerance for.

A: Are you going to be talking about covid-19?

B: yes

A: I would caution against that. Don’t cause panic in the class. I know many of them are stressed about this at work already, the last thing we need to do is to present these stats that’s not really needed here

*a few minutes later during break*

B: it’s interesting you brought those stats up. As a MD my tolerance for this is high, what’s “bad” for me is when a code blue is called and I have 4 minutes to resuscitate the patient. Not whether presenting X% will die from the virus

You already know how to check your ego and bias. But also be mindful of where you’ve built up a tolerance and be compassionate towards those things. Where you have high tolerance is also where you have your blind spots.

