Vishwaniketan Institutes
The Curious Side
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2021


Internships play a vital role in a students life. Internships are beneficial because they help develop your professional attitude, strengthen personal character, and provide a greater chance to opportunity. Often, students think that spoon-fed is the way to learn. But the students thinking for this time is wrong. It gives us an experience of a task or a job. Your internship will teach you to make your own decisions and do things on your own. Being able to work independently with little guidance is very important in the working world. Working independently or thinking independently has proved to be very important.

One of the main objectives of an internship is to expose you to a particular job and a profession or industry. While you might have an idea about what a job is like, you won’t know until you actually perform it if it’s what you thought it was, if you have the training and skills to do it and if it’s something you like. It allows us to create new skills in our mind, gain more knowledge, get developed in feelings and emotions, get us learned about physical and manual skills, etc. Participating in internships can be a great way to get a taste of the actual professional experience in a particular field before you commit yourself to it fully. “Besides getting a foot in the door with a potential employer and looking good on a resume, internships have other advantages, such as the opportunity to test drive your career.” Internships offer students a low-pressure entry into their field. Through these experiences, they can decide whether to pursue it further. Try to get an internship in any field you are interested in and just get an experience.



Vishwaniketan Institutes
The Curious Side

Vishwaniketan aspires to be a world class institution by giving extra-ordinary learning experience to Indian students in collaboration with universities abroad