Why do we fall short Despite Intelligence and Skill Excellence?

“Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for Excellence”

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👋 Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts, professionals, and wanderers of the digital realm! 🚀

I am Gourav. I write about Engineering, Productivity, Science-Spirituality, and the Mysteries of the mind!

Ever felt like there’s more to success at work than just the skills on your CV? Despite all the intelligence you have built over time? You’re onto something!

Today, let’s talk about Emotional Intelligence (EQ), the superpower that sets the real winners apart in the professional game. I am keeping it short and simple for today.

During the first half of the twentieth century, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was considered a singular measure of one’s abilities. However, over the last four decades, research has revealed that a high IQ is no predictor of success. People could be technically brilliant, but if they are unable to manage their emotions, work in teams, and handle adversities, their chances of success are limited.

This led to the discovery of Emotional Intelligence. It’s the ability to recognize and understand both your own emotions and those of others around you. Daniel Goleman, expressed it well, ‘CEOs get hired for their business expertise and intelligence but get fired for their lack of emotional intelligence’.

Alright, let’s keep it real. EQ is basically your ability to get what’s going on with you and the folks around you, emotionally speaking. It’s like having a secret decoder for feelings!

It’s unfortunate that we are taught complex algebra, calculus, and number theory in schools but not about the human equation at all.

So, what does it entail?


“Check if you’re over-feeling your feeling”

It’s your ability to recognize, interpret, and regulate your own emotions, as well as those of other people. Emotional intelligence skills are abilities that allow for better emotional understanding and management.

Picture a day at the office. Your boss suddenly criticizes your project, and you feel a surge of frustration. Self-awareness kicks in, and you recognize this emotional traffic jam. Instead of getting into that self-pity or self-doubt rabbit hole, you take a moment to understand your frustration, and it leads to a composed, productive response, turning a potential conflict into a solution-focused conversation.


“Think before Act”

It’s your ability to control one’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals. More specifically, emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses. This is your emotional DJ, controlling the vibe. It stops you from dropping beats you’ll regret later.

Imagine this: You receive a sharply worded email from a colleague challenging your abilities. Without self-regulation, you might immediately fire back a heated response. However, with emotional control, you apply the brakes, take a breath, and reply with a measured, professional message. This keeps the workplace atmosphere cordial and maintains your reputation.


“Know that others are also like you”

It’s your ability to recognize and manage one’s own and others’ emotions, empathy is the ability to understand how others feel. It’s The ultimate people skill! It’s about getting where others are coming from, even if it’s a totally different playlist.

One day, a team member, Sarah, seems stressed and irritable. Instead of brushing it off or assuming she’s being difficult, you ask her how she’s doing. She opens up about a personal issue that’s affecting her work. By genuinely listening and empathizing, you offer support and create a stronger bond within the team. This leads to increased trust and a more collaborative work environment.

Social Skills

“Smooth talker? A good listener?”

Social skills are the key to masterful interactions. It’s not just about speaking fluently but also about being an excellent listener. Think of it as being the conductor of a lively symphony of conversations and relationships. These are your social superpowers, and they’re more important than you might think.

Imagine you’re in a high-stakes business meeting. Your competitor presents an equally strong proposal. What sets you apart? Social skills.

You’ve built a rapport with the client, actively listened to their needs, and tailored your pitch accordingly. Your ability to connect, understand, and communicate persuasively tips the scales in your favor. You win the deal, showcasing the immense impact of social skills in sealing the deal and achieving success in the workplace.


Motivation is your inner cheerleader, pushing you to tackle challenges and keep moving forward. It’s like having a personal trainer for your mind, ensuring you stay motivated even when the going gets tough.

Imagine working on a project that encounters unexpected obstacles. Instead of giving in to frustration, your intrinsic motivation keeps you going. You find creative solutions, rally your team, and ensure the project’s successful completion despite the challenges. It’s the fuel in your tank. With high EQ, you’ve got a personal motivation turbocharger!

Here are some practical tips to achieve EQ

  • Start a daily journal to record your emotions and reactions. Reflect on them to gain a deeper understanding of your emotional patterns.
  • Seek honest feedback from trusted colleagues, friends, or mentors about your emotional strengths and weaknesses.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques to manage stress and stay calm in challenging situations.
  • Develop a pause-and-reflect habit before reacting to emotionally charged events. This can prevent impulsive responses.
  • Actively listen to others during conversations, focusing on their words, tone, and body language.
  • Put yourself in someone else’s shoes to better understand their perspective, especially in disagreements or conflicts.
  • Develop a habit of giving and receiving constructive feedback to improve communication.
  • Set clear, achievable goals for both short-term and long-term success. These goals should resonate with your values and aspirations.
  • Cultivate a growth mindset, viewing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement.

That’s it for today.

And here’s a friendly reminder: if you’re ever feeling the weight of workplace stress or simply want to succeed while maintaining your sanity in life, check out my other post here. There, you’ll find more insights and tips to navigate the corporate jungle with confidence and composure. 🌟💼🌿. If you want to connect with me 1:1, schedule time here.

I attribute some of the learnings in my life to my spiritual teacher and the JKYog organization.



Gourav Khanijoe - The Curious Soul's Corner
The Curious Soul’s Corner

I'm a Staff Software Engineer at HubSpot. I've mentored many on career, mental-health & well-being. I write about Engineering, Spirituality & Mysteries of mind.