I’ll keep the mask…

…and you will kindly keep your distance!

Tony Atkinson
The Curmudgeon


Photo by Dominic Spohr on Unsplash

I’m already missing lockdown. The quiet roads, the uncrowded shops, the absence of noisy drunks in the street late at night, or screeching crotch-goblins during the day.

Most of all, I will miss the enforced return to what were once considered basic standards of courteous behaviour. People actually looking out for other people in the aisles of supermarkets; pausing to let one pass, or politely acknowledging being waved on. Not barging along with their nose in their phone, using the trolley as a battering ram or ‘people plough’. Being given space while selecting items or waiting in queues and even while passing the time of day.

Alas! It seems that all too soon, this near-Utopia has been taken from me. The roads are once again full of people making often unecessary journeys. Supermarket aisles are filling up again. With the reopening of pubs, those incapable of self-control are once again rambling the darkened streets, filling the air with the slurred bellowings of drunken conversation. Once more, the voices of rug-rats engaged in that form of mortal combat known as ‘play’ pierce the air with the shrill acuity of a dentists’ drill.

Yet some people are not yet satisfied. The appearance of variant forms of Covid-9 have cast doubt upon the potential final lifting of…



Tony Atkinson
The Curmudgeon

Snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, walker of paths less travelled by. Writer of fanfiction. Player of games. argonaut57@gmail.com