
a poem
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2018



In June of 2012, after a two-year whirlwind of miraculous experiences and mission trips, I was sitting at my desk, having returned to work in Asia. I realized at that moment that I had been changed — fully persuaded that supernatural anointing and Holy Spirit power was not only possible, but normal for every believer. It was as if a person ignobly enamored with gravity had one day witnessed a jet taking off. A fleet of jets! The following words came to mind.

The stiff men unchained, the rebels forgiven,
Spirits once dead granted Holy Ghost living,
As we surrender below, we are writ large above,
Our once empty hands filled with unconditional love.

We the capacity, He the supply,
Even weak, trembling temples He’ll occupy.
Now stand up, you channel! He’ll unstop from the throne
An immortal spring. Fell serpent thugs?

It’s your tongue and your vision — His will and word;
Ours to preach boldly, His to make heard.
The mountains, they move! It’s His Kingdom come.
Till our earth is His heaven, God and man

How did it happen, this two thousand-year thing?
You’re saying that Galilean “blasphemer” was the prophesied King?

Yes! “No good thing from Nazareth” became the Saviour of all,
Grew up in a world flung headlong —then forbade it to fall,
Drinking sin to the dregs, despising the shame.
Lifted up from the earth, yet above every name,
De-limbed this world’s god (His own nailed wide),
With Genesis breath, swore “It is finished—”
And died.

Then one post-Sabbath morning — O mankind, surprise!
From paupers to king-priests, with Jesus you rose,
To take the Kingdom by force, no matter the cost,
And found a new dynasty over what Adam had lost.

To set free those in chains, tell the rebels, “Forgiven!”
To lead spirits once dead to that new and best living,
To see the nameless below seated with Christ above,
And once blood-soaked hands filled with matchless King-love.

Now, He bids all don His mantle: that mystery come true:
Burden-lifting, yoke-destroying, Christ inside

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